Apologies we have not resolved this. The TF-ops wrapper code is old and a bit difficult to maintain. I would like to get your feedback. For our next release we...
Sorry for the trouble on this. There are two directories in the link you shared. One is named "uncompressed", the other is named "uncompressed_$folder$" and is an artifact of the...
I tried the following command on my system and it works: gsutil -m cp -r "gs://waymo_open_dataset_motion_v_1_2_0/uncompressed" . It looks like your error is around the -m flag not being supported....
Yes, it looks like you may have installed a different utility. You will need to install the google cloud CLI which includes the gsutil command line utility. You can find...
We do not provide a direct way to compute driveable area. You will need to develop an algorithm for this. We do provide lane centers, lane boundaries, and road edges...
Sorry for the late reply, I think it depends on how you define "drivable area". The road surface is defined by the TYPE_ROAD_EDGE_BOUNDARY and TYPE_ROAD_EDGE_MEDIAN features. The RoadLine features define...
Hi, I think the data you need to do this exists in the dataset, but probably not in a form that you can directly use. The map_features field contains individual...
I think the answer depends on what you are trying to do. The perception dataset has a limited amount of data to use to train trajectory models compared to the...
We do not currently supply camera images for the motion dataset. I don't have any information on how to compare with the two datasets you mentioned. The perception dataset does...
Thank you for pointing this out. The latest version of the dataset now has driveway entrances as a new type. We will update the documentation.