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Dengue Stop Milestones for GSoC 2020
Please find the detailed project plan here.
Proposed UI Mockups
Login Screen (Mobile)
Signup Screen (Mobile)
Home Screen (Mobile)
New Incident Screen (Mobile)
My Reports Screen (Mobile)
My Profile Screen (Mobile)
Login Screen (Web)
Dashboard Screen (Web)
Metrics Screen (Web)
Patient/Incident List Screen (Web)
Events Screen (Web)
Create Event Screen (Web)
Milestone 1
[ ] Setting up the new project and initial configurations. (Mobile App)
[ ] Designing the database structure.
[ ] Creating the database and the server using Flask.
[ ] Setting up end-points to be consumed by the mobile application.
[ ] Incident reporting and viewing feature. (Mobile App)
[ ] User registration and authentication. (Mobile App)
[ ] User profile viewing and editing feature. (Mobile App)
[ ] Implementing events feature - front-end (Mobile App)
[ ] Setting up the new project and initial configurations. (Web App)
[ ] Testing for milestone 1.
[ ] Documentation for milestone 1.
Milestone 2
[ ] Code refactor after milestone 1.
[ ] Dashboard Component - Heatmap (Web App)
[ ] Dashboard Component - Incident receiving feature (Web App)
[ ] Dashboard Component - Incident verification feature (Web App)
[ ] Dashboard Component - Incident summary feature (Web App)
[ ] Patient/Incident List Component - Incident view feature (Web App)
[ ] Patient/Incident List Component - Incident searching feature (Web App)
[ ] Patient/Incident List Component - Incident filtering/sorting feature(Web App)
[ ] Metrics Component - Chart visualization (Web App)
[ ] Metrics Component - Metrics logic (Web App)
[ ] Testing for milestone 2.
[ ] Documentation for milestone 2.
Milestone 3
[ ] Code refactor after milestone 2.
[ ] User registration and authentication. (Web App)
[ ] Alerts/Events sending feature. (Web App)
[ ] Implementing events feature - back-end (Mobile App)
[ ] Testing for milestone 3.
[ ] Documentation for milestone 3.
[ ] Finalizing the project.
Let's remove the extra line between each sub-milestone item 🙂 Can you add the mockup UIs that you designed too, please?
Let's remove the extra line between each sub-milestone item 🙂 Can you add the mockup UIs that you designed too, please?
I removed the extra lines. The mockups are already in the issue itself. You can see them by clicking the dropdown "Proposed UI Mockups" at the very top of the description. :)