jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet copied to clipboard

Extension for Jackson JSON processor that adds support for (de)serializing POJOs as Spreadsheets

= Jackson dataformat: Spreadsheet ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :speech_balloon: :important-caption: :blue_book: :caution-caption: :orange_book: :warning-caption: :closed_book: endif::[] :toc: :toclevels: 3 :toc-placement!: :link-oss-sonatype: https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/index.html#view-repositories;snapshots~browsestorage~/io/github/scndry/jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet/maven-metadata.xml

image:https://github.com/scndry/jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg[] image:https://img.shields.io/maven-metadata/v?metadataUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fs01.oss.sonatype.org%2Fservice%2Flocal%2Frepositories%2Fsnapshots%2Fcontent%2Fio%2Fgithub%2Fscndry%2Fjackson-dataformat-spreadsheet%2Fmaven-metadata.xml[]

[quote] Let's get rid of the Spread Sh!t.

This https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson[Jackson^] extension library is a component that memory-efficiently reads and writes the http://officeopenxml.com/anatomyofOOXML-xlsx.php[SpreadsheetML^] formatfootnote:[XLSX -- XSSF (XML SpreadSheet Format)] using https://poi.apache.org/[Apache POI^] and https://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/09/17/stax.html[StAX^] via Jackson abstraction. -- Implemented as full streaming implementation, which allows full access (streaming, data-binding, and tree-model).

NOTE: The same abstraction is provided for the Horrible Microsoft Excel formatfootnote:[XLS -- HSSF (Horrible SpreadSheet Format)]. However, not based on https://poi.apache.org/components/spreadsheet/how-to.html#event_api[Event API^], so may not be suitable for large .xls files.


== Installation

CAUTION: This project is currently under development. If you are interested, you can always use the latest snapshot artifacts from {link-oss-sonatype}[OSS Sonatype^].

=== Maven


sonatype-snapshots https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ io.github.scndry jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ----

=== Gradle


repositories { maven { url "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" } }

dependencies { implementation "io.github.scndry:jackson-dataformat-spreadsheet:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" }

== Busy Developers' Guide to Features

[quote] Want to use HSSF and XSSF read and write spreadsheets in a hurry? This guide is for you. -- Apache POI's https://poi.apache.org/components/spreadsheet/quick-guide.html[Quick Guide^].

=== Reading Spreadsheet

First, let's look at input-entries.xlsx file to read.

.input-entries.xlsx |=== |Column A |Column B

|1 |2 |3 |4 |===

Then let's define the Entry class annotated @DataGrid.


@DataGrid public class Entry { private int a; private int b; // Constructors, Getters, Setters and toString }

We use SpreadsheetMapper to read the file into an Entry object, so let’s set it up now.


SpreadsheetMapper mapper = new SpreadsheetMapper(); File file = new File("input-entries.xlsx");

Once we have SpreadsheetMapper configured, simply use readValue.


Entry value = mapper.readValue(file, Entry.class); // Output: Entry(a=1, b=2)

You can use readValues to read the entire list.


List<Entry> values = mapper.readValues(file, Entry.class); // Output: [Entry(a=1, b=2), Entry(a=3, b=4)]

By default, it reads the first sheet. If you need to find and read a specific sheet by name or index, you can use SheetInput.


String sheetName = "Entries"; SheetInput<File> input = SheetInput.source(file, sheetName); List<Entry> values = mapper.readValues(input, Entry.class); // Output: [Entry(a=1, b=2), Entry(a=3, b=4)]

=== Writing Spreadsheet

We also use SpreadsheetMapper to write an Entry object to the file. Just call writeValue.


SpreadsheetMapper mapper = new SpreadsheetMapper(); File file = new File("output-entries.xlsx"); Entry value = new Entry(1, 2); mapper.writeValue(file, value);

The output of the above in the file will be:

.output-entries.xlsx [cols="1,1"] |=== |a |b |1 |2 |===

This time, let's write a list.


List<Entry> values = Arrays.asList(new Entry(1, 2), new Entry(3, 4)); mapper.writeValue(file, values);

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: valueType MUST be specified to write a value of a Collection or array type

[quote] Oh, Sheet!

Okay. Let's add a valueType to the 3rd parameter.


Class<Entry> valueType = Entry.class; mapper.writeValue(file, values, valueType);

.output-entries.xlsx [cols="1,1"] |=== |a |b |1 |2 |3 |4 |===

Now let's annotate on properties with @DataColumn to write each column's name.


@DataGrid public class Entry { @DataColumn("Column A") private int a; @DataColumn("Column B") private int b; // Constructors, Getters, Setters and toString }

.output-entries.xlsx [cols="1,1"] |=== |Column A |Column B |1 |2 |3 |4 |===

And also you can use SheetOutput to write the sheet name. By default, the created sheet is named "Sheet" + _indexOfSheet_.


String sheetName = "Entries"; SheetOutput<File> output = SheetOutput.target(file, sheetName); mapper.writeValue(output, values, Entry.class);

=== Nested Object (de)Structuring

Spreadsheets are a flat data representation of a 2-dimensional structure, but most of the POJOs we have take complex nested structures. Of course, it provides (de)structuring these complex models, as you can see below:


|1 |John Doe |12345 |123 Main St. |Anytown, USA |CEO |$300,000.00 |===

As we are Object-Oriented Developers, you probably don't want to manage a lot of column data in a flat model. Let's first define the well-structured Employee class.


@DataGrid class Employee { int id; String name; Address address; Employment employment; // ... }

class Address { String zipcode; AddressLines addressLines; // ... }

class AddressLines { String line1; String line2; // ... }

class Employment { Designation designation; long salary; // ... }

enum Designation { CEO, CTO, SM, ARCH, INT }

No additional code is required when deserializing data into nested structures, you can deserialize the same way.


Employee value = mapper.readValue(input, Employee.class);

Here’s the Employee object that output will be:

Employee( id=1 name=John doe address=Address( zipcode=12345 addressLines=AddressLines( line1=123 Main St. line2=Anytown, USA ) ) employment=Emeployment( designation=CEO salary=300000 ) )

Just as can be deserialized without any additional code, you can serialize these nested objects.


mapper.writeValue(output, values, Employee.class);

==== Writing the Nested List

Although limited, it supports serializing nested list structures. However, deserializing is not supported due to implementation complexity.


@DataGrid class Outer { @DataColumn("A") int a; List<Inner> inners; @DataColumn("E") int e; // ... }

class Inner { @DataColumn("B") int b; @DataColumn("C") int[] c; @DataColumn("D") int d; // ... }


Outer value = new Outer( 1, Arrays.asList( new Inner(2, new int[]{3, 4}, 5), new Inner(6, new int[]{7, 8}, 9)), 10); mapper.writeValue(output, value);

This will lead to the desired result like this:

[cols="1a,1a,1a,1a,1a"] |=== |A |B |C |D |E

|1 |2 |3 |5 |10 |BLANK |BLANK |4 |BLANK |BLANK |BLANK |6 |7 |9 |BLANK |BLANK |BLANK |8 |BLANK |BLANK |===

=== Annotations and Schema

For most column schema generation requirements, @DataGrid and @DataColumn annotations will provide all you need. The two have almost similar attributes, so only listing attributes of @DataColumn.

.Attributes in @DataColumn

  • String value(): The column's name to write in header
  • String style(): The name of the cellStyle to apply to the column, it should be registered with StylesBuilder.
  • String headerStyle(): Same as style(), but only applied to the column's header.
  • int width(): Fixed width for the column.
  • OptBoolean autoSize(): Adjusts the column width to fit the contents. Not accurate for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms[fullwidth forms^] like the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_characters[CJK characters^].
  • int minWidth(): Minimum width of the auto-sized column.
  • int maxWidth(): Maximum width of the auto-sized column.

==== Attribute Resolution

Column schema uses particular order designed to allow for value overrides. Attributes are considered in the following order:

. @DataColumn's attribute on property. . @DataGrid's attribute on the class in which the property is declared. . @DataGrid's attribute of the class of which the class in which the property is declared is a member.

For a better understanding, let's look at the code below:


@DataGrid(autoSizeColumn = OptBoolean.FALSE) class Foo { @DataColumn(style = "Foo_a_style") int a; @DataColumn(headerStyle = "Foo_b_headerStyle") int b; // ... }

@DataGrid(columnHeaderStyle = "Bar_columnHeaderStyle") class Bar { Foo foo; // ... }

@DataGrid(columnStyle = "Baz_columnStyle", autoSizeColumn = OptBoolean.TRUE) class Baz { Foo foo; // ... }

Schema is generated and used when (de)serializing within SpreadsheetMapper, but you can generate using sheetSchemaFor.


SpreadsheetSchema foo = mapper.sheetSchemaFor(Foo.class); SpreadsheetSchema bar = mapper.sheetSchemaFor(Bar.class); SpreadsheetSchema baz = mapper.sheetSchemaFor(Baz.class);

Column attributes of schemas generated for each of the above types are as follows:

[cols="1,1a,1a,1a"] |=== |Column |Style |Header Style| Auto Size

|foo.a |"Foo_a_style" |"" |FALSE

|foo.b |"" |"Foo_b_headerStyle" |FALSE

|bar.foo.a |"Foo_a_style" |"Bar_columnHeaderStyle" |FALSE

|bar.foo.b |"" |"Foo_b_headerStyle" |FALSE

|baz.foo.a |"Foo_a_style" |"" |FALSE

|baz.foo.b |"Baz_columnStyle" |"Foo_b_headerStyle" |FALSE |===

=== Build Your Own Styles


@DataGrid(columnHeaderStyle = "baseHeader") class Employee { // ... Address address; Employment employment; // ... }

class Address { @DataColumn(value = "ZIPCODE", style = "zipcode") String zipcode; // ... }

@DataGrid(columnHeaderStyle = "employmentHeader") class Employment { // ... @DataColumn(value = "SALARY", style = "salary", headerStyle = "salaryHeader") long salary; // ... }


StylesBuilder builder = new StylesBuilder() .cellStyle(/name/ "baseHeader") .border().thin() .fillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT) .fillPattern().solidForeground() .font().bold().end() .end() .cellStyle(/name/ "employmentHeader", /cloneStyleFrom/ "baseHeader") .fillForegroundColor(198, 239, 206) .end() .cellStyle("salaryHeader", "baseHeader") .fillForegroundColor(0xFFC7CE) .font().bold().color(0x9C0006).end() .end() .cellStyle("salary") .dataFormat("[Red][>=100000]$#,##0.00;$#,##0.00") .end() .cellStyle("zipcode") .dataFormat().text() .end(); SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder() .stylesBuilder(builder) .build(); mapper.writeValue(output, values, type);

.Built-in data formats for convenience

  • general(): "General"
  • text(): "@"
  • numberInt(): "0"
  • numberFloat(): "0.00"
  • numberIntWithComma(): "&#35;,##0"
  • numberFloatWithComma(): "&#35;,##0.00"
  • date(): "yyyy-mm-dd"
  • dateTime(): "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"


SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder() .addModule(new ExcelDateModule()) .build();

=== Change Origin Address


CellAddress address = ...; SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder() .origin(address) .origin("B2") .origin(1, 1) .build(); mapper.writeValue(output, values, type);

[cols="1a,1a,1a"] |=== |BLANK |BLANK |BLANK

|BLANK |Column A |Column B

|BLANK |1 |2

|BLANK |3 |4 |===

=== Overwrite Column Names


SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder() .columnNameResolver(prop -> "Overwrite " + prop.getName().toUpperCase()) .build(); mapper.writeValue(output, values, type);

[cols="1,1"] |=== |Overwrite A |Overwrite B |1 |2 |3 |4 |===


enum ColumnCode { A("Code A"), B("Code B"); String text; // ... }

@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface NameOf { ColumnCode value(); }

@DataGrid class Entity { @NameOf(ColumnCode.A) @DataColumn("It will be overwritten") int a; @NameOf(ColumnCode.B) int b; // ... }


ColumnNameResolver byText = AnnotatedNameResolver.forValue(NameOf.class, ColumnCode::getText); SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder() .columnNameResolver(byText) .build(); mapper.writeValue(output, values, type);

[cols="1,1"] |=== |Code A |Code B |1 |2 |3 |4 |===

=== Reading Under Control


SpreadsheetReader reader = mapper.sheetReaderFor(Entry.class); try (SheetMappingIterator<Entry> iterator = reader.readValues(input)) { while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry value = iterator.next(); SheetLocation location = iterator.getCurrentLocation(); boolean done = ...; if (done) { break; } } }


SpreadsheetMapper mapper = SpreadsheetMapper.builder(); .enable(SheetParser.Feature.BREAK_ON_BLANK_ROW) .build();

.On/Off Features in SheetParser.Feature

  • BLANK_ROW_AS_NULL (default true)
  • BREAK_ON_BLANK_ROW (default false)

== And more.

=== Supported Types

  • Deserialization ** java.io.File ** java.io.InputStream ** io.github.scndry.jackson.dataformat.spreadsheet.deser.SheetInput<T> ** org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet
  • Serialization ** java.io.File ** java.io.OutputStream ** io.github.scndry.jackson.dataformat.spreadsheet.ser.SheetOutput<T> ** org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet

=== References

  • https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-docs[Jackson documentation hub^]
  • https://poi.apache.org/components/spreadsheet/index.html[POI-HSSF and POI-XSSF/SXSSF^]

== License

Project is licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt[Apache License 2.0^].