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Examples of Fortran 2003 C / C++ interfacing with Fortran

Interoperability examples between C, C++ and Fortran

ci ci_macos oneapi-linux

Fortran subroutines and functions are easily called from C and C++.

Use the standard C binding to define variable and bind functions/subroutines.

This project is also a way to quickly check if compilers you have are ABI-compatible. For example:

  • Clang and Gfortran
  • (Windows) MSVC and Intel oneAPI ifx

Demonstrate linking of

  • C and C++ program calling Fortran libraries
  • Fortran program calling C and C++ libraries

We assume the compilers are C++11 and Fortran 2018 capable.

This repo's examples are also known to work with:

  • NVidia HPC SDK (nvc++, nvfortran)
  • AOCC AMD Optimizing Compliers
  • Cray compilers (cc, ftn)

In general, avoid the FortranCInterface of CMake and mangling function names. Instead, use Fortran 2003 standard bind(C).

Other real-world examples include fortran-filesystem using C++ stdlib filesystem from Fortran and standard sleep implementation as used in blocktran and Fortran Standard Library.


cmake -B build

cmake --build build

ctest --test-dir build

Note the use of CMake target property LINKER_LANGUAGE C when a C main program is used with a Fortran library. Similarly when C++ code is linked with a Fortran main program, CMake target property "LINKER_LANGUAGE Fortran" is used. These is necessary for CMake with Intel oneAPI on Linux / macOS.

add_executable(f_main main.f90 lib.cpp)
set_property(f_main PRIVATE LINKER_LANGUAGE Fortran)

add_executable(c_main main.c lib.f90)
set_property(c_main PRIVATE LINKER_LANGUAGE C)

add_executable(cpp_main main.cpp lib.f90)
set_property(cpp_main PRIVATE LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)


While the examples prioritize C++, there are also several companion C examples to go with the C++ examples. There are also some Fortran main programs calling C or C++.


The examples "array", "malloc", "vector" show distinct ways to send arrays to/from Fortran with C and C++.

Error handling

Using Fortran statement "stop" or "error stop" with a C/C++ main program works like with a Fortran main program. The "error" examples show this.


On 2019-01-12 a GCC commit from Paul Thomas brought ISO_Fortran_binding.h to GCC 9.

This means if using Clang compiler e.g. on macOS, you may need to switch to GCC (till Clang/Flang someday includes ISO_Fortran_binding.h).

GCC ≥ 9 and Intel oneAPI have ISO_Fortran_binding.h


struct memory alignment

Some examples use scalar C struct. ISO_C_BINDING handles mapping struct to/from Fortran TYPE. For arrays of struct, compiler pragma may be needed.

Valgrind needed suppression to avoid memory alignment (uninitialized memory) warnings for C struct input to nanosleep.


For MacOS with Apple's Clang and Homebrew GCC, it MAY be needed to have in ~/.zshrc like the following: (check directory / versions on your Mac)

export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include
