PyLivestream icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PyLivestream copied to clipboard

Pure Python FFmpeg-based live video / audio streaming to YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, Twitch, and more

Results 21 PyLivestream issues
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I follewed the instructions and pushed live stream for Twitch and Bilibili successfully, but when I push the live stream for Youtube, it failed. My configurations are below(I have reset...

``ffmpeg -loglevel error -y -re -stream_loop -1 -i video.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryfast -b:v 13000k -g 59.94005994005994 -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -ar 44100 -maxrate 13000k -bufsize 6500k -strict...


How to Auto run when raspi startup? Please Help Me!!!

Hello, does any of you have any ideea how can I change the codec from the x264 that is now to the NVIDIA Nvenc ?

Hi, In a scenario that I want to run multiple instances at the same time (using screen) what setting do I need to change since there is only one pylivestream.ini...

Hi, is there any way I can stream to another service than the ones presented if I have stream key and stream URL ? Basically to stream to a RTMP...

@scivision The code is not working while using in heroku Showing "An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner,...

Trying to go live on twitch and I get the error: Press Enter to go live on ['twitch'] Or Ctrl C to abort. ffmpeg -loglevel error -f x11grab -s 640x480...


When i tried FileGlobLivestream the stream is just black screen with audio, i streamed at just to get a little more info about the stream, the resolution is 0x0...


**Describe the bug** When I start streaming it works fine, but after about a minute (maybe when going to the next file?) my CPU usage maxes out and causes the...
