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Software for large and sparse SVD calculations
PROPACK Version 2.1, Stanford, April 2005
OVERVIEW This directory contains a Fortran version of the PROPACK software, which is designed to efficiently compute the singular values and singular vectors of a large, sparse and/or structured matrix. The basic Krylov-subspace algorithm used is Lanczos bidiagonalization, implemented with partial reorthogonalization. The use of partial reorthogonalization often improves performance significantly compared to the classic Lanczos algorithm with full reorthogonalization; the exact amount of improvement depends on the distribution of the singular values. Two sets of SVD routines are available, on with and one without implicit restarting. Implicit restarting allows the computation of a given number of singular values and corresponding vectors to be done in a fixed amount of memory. The amount of memory used by the ordinary version is proportional to the number of iterations required for the singular values to converge, and this is generally not known in advance, but since the total number of matrix-vector multiplications needed is usually lower for the non-restarted version it still can be the method of choice in many cases.
The main driver routines DLANSVD and DLANSVD_IRL are found in "dlansvd.F" and "dlansvd_irl.F", which also contain descriptions of the input parameters. A set of example programs for computing the SVD of sparse matrices in several simple formats, including the commonly used Harwell-Boeing format, are included in the Examples directory.
To install the software follow the steps below:
- Uncompress and untar the files using
% gunzip PROPACK77.tar.gz % tar xvf PROPACK77.tar
- Edit the make option file make.
in the PROPACK/Make directory where corresponds to your platform. Currently make option files for = { linux_gcc_ia32 | linux_icc_ia32 | linux_gcc_ia64 | linux_icc_ia64 | irix | sunos | ibm } are available. In particular you need to set the variables LINKFLAGS, LINKPATH and BLAS such that the BLAS library installed on your system is linked correctly (see below). You can also set various flags passed to the compiler and linker. After you have done this type
% ./configure
in the PROPACK directory. The configure script determines the platform
you are running on and generates '' with all the platform
dependent flags based on the appropriate make.
- Build the libraries by typing
% make
This will build the libraries lib
Two example programs "example.F" and "example_irl.F" are provided for each of the four precisions in the subdirectory Examples. "example.F" illustrated how to compute part of the SVD using the non-restarted algorithm, while "example_irl.F" illustrates the use of the implicitly restarted version.Build and run them by typing
% cd
The example programs read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format from a file and compute a number of singular values as specified in the input file. A test matrix from the Harwell-Boeing collection is provided in the file Examples/illc1850.rra (for single and double) and Examples/mhd1280b.cua (for complex8 and complex16). For more test matrices see, e.g., the Matrix Market website:
The example programs can also read matrices stored in diagonal, coordinate or dense formats (binary or ASCII), which is useful for testing the algorithms with known test matrices without having to write new code. See Examples/example.F and Examples/matvec.F for details. Examples of real matrices stored in coordinate and diagonal ASCII format are provided in Examples/illc1850.coord and Examples/illc1850.diag.
WARNING: Matrices stored in binary format are often incompatible between machines with different wordsize, e.g. 32-bit vesus 64-bit, or endianess, i.e. little-endian (x86/Itanium/Alpha) versus big-endian (PPC/Power/MIPS).
The output produced by the example programs, compiled with the GCC 3.2.2 compiler on a Linux workstation with a Pentium 4 processor, is provided in the files
Sigma_200_illc1850.ascii, U_200_illc1850.ascii, V_200_illc1850.ascii
Sigma_IRL_200_illc1850.ascii, U_IRL_200_illc1850.ascii, V_IRL_200_illc1850.ascii,
which are located in the directories
% make; make test; make verify
in the top-level PROPACK directory will build the example programs for all precisions, run them with the provided test matrices and verify that the results are consistent with those in the files listed above using the program in Examples/compare.F. The comparison is mainly meant to catch serious bugs or errors in the installation, so the error bounds used in the test are quite generous. Small-ish differences caused by different round-off errors or sloppy floating point arithmetic on some platforms should not generate any warnings. For the test examples in double and complex16 precision the maximal relative error in the singular values should be of the order 1e-15. For the test examples in single and complex8 precision the maximal relative error in the singular values should be of the order 1e-6.
OBTAINING THE BLAS LIBRARY If your system does not already have this library installed, we recommend using the freely available and very fast version by Kazushige Goto (UT-Austin and the Japan Patent Office), which can be downloaded here: Another set of fast BLAS routines optimized for various platforms is available from the ATLAS project at the Netlib software repository, see More information about the BLAS as well as generic (un-optimized) Fortran source code is available at
CONTACT INFORMATION Questions and comments about PROPACK are welcome and should be directed to:
Rasmus Munk Larsen
W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL), Annex A210
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4085
E-mail: [email protected]
(C) Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, March 2004.