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SCIP.jl with exact-rational branch
I am trying to use the exact-rational branch of SCIP with this package. I managed to compile if fine to pass the install dir to SCIP.jl in my ENV[“SCIPOPTDIR”].
As indicated on the Readme of the branch (see, it is required to set the parameter exact/exact_enabled.
However, when I try to set the parameter with set_attribute(model, "exact/exact_enabled", "TRUE")
I obtain:
ERROR: LoadError: Unrecognized parameter: exact/exact_enabled
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
[2] set_parameter(scipd::SCIP.SCIPData, name::String, value::String)
@ SCIP ~/.julia/packages/SCIP/S9mBb/src/scip_data.jl:123
[3] set
@ ~/.julia/packages/SCIP/S9mBb/src/MOI_wrapper.jl:179 [inlined]
[4] set
@ ~/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/gBojA/src/Bridges/bridge_optimizer.jl:955 [inlined]
[5] set(model::MathOptInterface.Utilities.CachingOptimizer{MathOptInterface.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer{SCIP.Optimizer}, MathOptInterface.Utilities.UniversalFallback{MathOptInterface.Utilities.Model{Float64}}}, attr::MathOptInterface.RawOptimizerAttribute, value::String)
@ MathOptInterface.Utilities ~/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/gBojA/src/Utilities/cachingoptimizer.jl:1059
[6] set(m::Model, attr::MathOptInterface.RawOptimizerAttribute, value::String)
@ JuMP ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/as6Ji/src/optimizer_interface.jl:794
[7] set_attribute
@ ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/as6Ji/src/optimizer_interface.jl:1023 [inlined]
[8] set_attribute
@ ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/as6Ji/src/optimizer_interface.jl:1032 [inlined]
[9] iabtree_throughput(G::MetaDiGraph{Int64, Float64}, json_comm::Vector{Any}, gap::Float64, continuous_ue_links::Bool, maxtime::Float64, scaling_caps::Int64)
@ Main /home/IABEnergySavingJournal/solver/model.jl:70
[10] macro expansion
@ ./timing.jl:279 [inlined]
[11] main(method::String, data::Dict{String, Any}, result_name::String)
@ Main /home/IABEnergySavingJournal/solver/test_json.jl:75
[12] top-level scope
@ /home/IABEnergySavingJournal/solver/test_json.jl:107
in expression starting at /home/IABEnergySavingJournal/solver/test_json.jl:107
I also tried set_attribute(model, "exact/exact_enabled", true)
and set_attribute(model, "exact/exact_enabled", 1)
with the same outcome. I suspect I need to implement something regarding this parameter within SCIP.jl but am unsure what to change.
Hi, are you sure SCIP.jl is correctly linked to your SCIP installation? You can test that with:
@eval SCIP.libscip
which points to the path where the SCIP shared library is
Hi, sorry that is a typo in the documentation. The parameter ist 'exact/enabled'. Will fix this.
Thank you for your help, it now works with "exact/enabled". However, it seems like Julia initializes the problem creation when SCIP.Optimizer() is called, which prevents me from setting the exact mode. I get the following error:
[set.c:767] ERROR: Exact solving mode can only be enabled/disabled before reading/creating a problem.
Hmm, that is a bit of an issue. I don´t know what can be done on the Julia side of things. The reason this error is necessary is that reading a problem in inexact mode already might not give you exactly the problem you want to solve (inaccuracies when converting to binary, setting small values to 0, etc.)
As a hacky fix, you could just set the parameters default value to true in set.c
Sounds like a good solution, I will try that, thank you!
Closing for now, I don't think we have the bandwidth to support the exact mode from the Julia wrapper