scikit-image copied to clipboard
transform.resize is prohibitively slow (x15 compared to OpenCV or PIL)
I want to use skimage
as my main image-processing library (aside from PIL), but it is prohibitively slow for resizing. Ideally I will be able to resize when I have an ndarray
(as opposed to a PIL Image
), and converting to and from PIL incurs memory copies.
I tried three order
s, and got
nn slowdown vs PIL: 14.8
nn slowdown vs OpenCV: 17.8
nn slowdown vs SciPy: 1.2
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 3.6
bilinear slowdown vs OpenCV: 47.8
bilinear slowdown vs SciPy: 3.2
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 16.4
bicubic slowdown vs OpenCV: 138.8
bicubic slowdown vs SciPy: 1.1
Following is a comparison chart for downscaling a 512x512 image using four methods (code further down in issue). cv2
timing is invisible because it's so fast, comparatively.
Way to reproduce:
# %%
import cProfile
import re
from pathlib import Path
import skimage.transform
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import seaborn as sns
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
# %%
im = (np.random.uniform(0, 255, (512, 512))).astype(np.uint8)
pil_im = Image.fromarray(im)
# %%
def scipy_resize(im, size, order=0):
output_shape = (size[1], size[0])
input_shape = im.shape
zoom_factors = 1/np.divide(input_shape, output_shape)
return ndi.zoom(im, zoom_factors, order=order, mode='constant', cval=0, grid_mode=True)
def cv2_resize(im, size, order=0):
return cv2.resize(im, size, interpolation=CV2_ORDER_MAP[order])
0: Image.NEAREST,
1: Image.BILINEAR,
2: Image.BICUBIC,
def pil_resize(im, size, order=0):
return im.resize(size, PIL_ORDER_MAP[order])
def skimage_resize(im, size, order=0):
return skimage.transform.resize(im, size, order=order, anti_aliasing=False),
out_dir = Path('temp/bench_resize')
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
tests = {}
for order_name, order in (("nn", 0), ("bilinear", 1), ("bicubic", 2)):
for size in ((91, 180), (128, 128)):
for method in [cv2_resize, skimage_resize, pil_resize, scipy_resize]:
size_name = 'x'.join(str(x) for x in size)
method_name = re.sub('_resize$', '', method.__name__)
tests[order_name, size_name, method_name] = (method, dict(size=size, order=order))
results = {}
progress = tqdm(tests.items())
for key, (f, kwargs) in progress:
progress.set_postfix(dict(zip(('quality', 'size', 'method'), key)))
with cProfile.Profile() as pr:
x = pil_im if key[-1] == "pil" else im
for _ in range(100):
f(x, **kwargs)
pr.dump_stats(out_dir/('bench_resize_' + '_'.join(key) + '.profile'))
results[key] = %timeit -o -q f(x, **kwargs)
# %%
df = pd.DataFrame([
[*key, timing*1e6]
for key, result in results.items()
for timing in result.timings
], columns=['quality', 'size', 'method', 'timing'])
# %%
g = sns.catplot(
data=df, kind="bar",
x="quality", y="timing", hue="method",
# hue_order=["method", "size"],
errorbar="sd", palette="dark", alpha=.6, height=6,
g.set_axis_labels("", "Duration [µs]")
# %%
g = sns.catplot(
data=df[df['method'].isin({'pil', 'cv2'})], kind="bar",
x="quality", y="timing", hue="method",
# hue_order=["method", "size"],
errorbar="sd", palette="dark", alpha=.6, height=6,
g.set_axis_labels("", "Duration [µs]")
# %%
is_pil = df['method']=='pil'
is_cv2 = df['method']=='cv2'
is_skimage = df['method']=='skimage'
is_scipy = df['method']=='scipy'
for quality in ['nn', 'bilinear', 'bicubic']:
choice = df['quality']==quality
print(quality, "slowdown vs PIL:", round(df[is_skimage & choice].timing.min() / df[is_pil & choice].timing.max(), 1))
print(quality, "slowdown vs OpenCV:", round(df[is_skimage & choice].timing.min() / df[is_cv2 & choice].timing.max(), 1))
print(quality, "slowdown vs SciPy:", round(df[is_skimage & choice].timing.min() / df[is_scipy & choice].timing.max(), 1))
Version information:
SciKit-Image '0.20.0' on Windows 10 Anaconda Python 3.9.16
Thanks for the detailed performance report! scikit-image uses scipy.ndimage.zoom
under the hood, so it's not surprising that the results are similar. I am curious why Pillow's resizing is so much faster. I tracked Pillow's resize
to _imaging.c#L1822 but didn't yet look further.
I only tested for some cases, but the output from Pillow seems close with scikit-image's. As Pillow is a default dependency I don't find it unreasonable to look into updating our approach and rely more on Pillows implementation. I also noticed that they have their own implementation for Affine transforms.
Thank you @kwikwag for this report. It is an extension of #3122. I refactored your script to take into account two more parameters input and output dtypes:
Code here
import cProfile
import re
from pathlib import Path
import skimage as ski
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import seaborn as sns
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
0: Image.NEAREST,
1: Image.BILINEAR,
2: Image.BICUBIC,
def scipy_resize(im, size, order=0):
output_shape = (size[1], size[0])
input_shape = im.shape
zoom_factors = 1/np.divide(input_shape, output_shape)
return ndi.zoom(im, zoom_factors, order=order, mode='constant',
cval=0, grid_mode=False)
def cv2_resize(im, size, order=0):
return cv2.resize(im, size, interpolation=CV2_ORDER_MAP[order])
def pil_resize(im, size, order=0):
return im.resize(size, PIL_ORDER_MAP[order])
def skimage_resize(im, size, order=0):
return ski.transform.resize(im, size, order=order, mode="constant",
def get_results(im, size_list, rep=200):
pil_im = Image.fromarray(im)
methods_list = [cv2_resize, skimage_resize, pil_resize, scipy_resize]
out_dir = Path('temp/bench_resize')
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
tests = {}
for order_name, order in (("nn", 0), ("bilinear", 1), ("bicubic", 2)):
for size in size_list:
for method in methods_list:
size_name = 'x'.join(str(x) for x in size)
method_name = re.sub('_resize$', '', method.__name__)
tests[order_name, size_name, method_name] = (method,
results = {}
progress = tqdm(tests.items(), leave=False)
for key, (f, kwargs) in progress:
if key not in results:
results[key] = []
progress.set_postfix(dict(zip(('quality', 'size', 'method'), key)))
with cProfile.Profile() as pr:
x = pil_im if key[-1] == "pil" else im
t0 = time()
for _ in range(rep):
out = f(x, **kwargs)
t1 = time()
out_dir/('bench_resize_' + '_'.join(key) + '.profile'))
return results
def get_dataframe(results):
# %%
df = pd.DataFrame([
[*key, timing*1e6, out_dtype]
for key, (*result, out_dtype) in results.items()
for timing in result
], columns=['quality', 'size', 'method', 'timing', 'out_dtype'])
return df
def plot_results(df, dtype):
g = sns.catplot(
data=df, kind="bar",
x="quality", y="timing", hue="method",
errorbar="sd", palette="dark", alpha=.6, height=6,
g.set_axis_labels("", "Duration [µs]")
g = sns.catplot(
data=df[df['method'].isin({'pil', 'cv2'})], kind="bar",
x="quality", y="timing", hue="method",
errorbar="sd", palette="dark", alpha=.6, height=6,
g.set_axis_labels("", "Duration [µs]")
def print_results(df):
is_pil = df['method'] == 'pil'
is_cv2 = df['method'] == 'cv2'
is_skimage = df['method'] == 'skimage'
is_scipy = df['method'] == 'scipy'
for size in sorted(set(df['size'])): # ['91x180', '128x128']:
for quality in sorted(set(df['quality'])):
choice = np.logical_and(df['quality'] == quality,
df['size'] == size)
ski_timing = df[is_skimage & choice].timing.min()
cv2_timing = df[is_cv2 & choice].timing.max()
pil_timing = df[is_pil & choice].timing.max()
spy_timing = df[is_scipy & choice].timing.max()
ski_dtype = set(df[is_skimage & choice].out_dtype.values).pop()
cv2_dtype = set(df[is_cv2 & choice].out_dtype.values).pop()
pil_dtype = set(df[is_pil & choice].out_dtype.values).pop()
spy_dtype = set(df[is_scipy & choice].out_dtype.values).pop()
tqdm.write(f"\t\t\t{quality} slowdown vs PIL: "
# f"{ski_timing:.1f} vs {pil_timing:.1f} µs -> "
f"{ski_timing / pil_timing:.1f} "
f"({ski_dtype} vs {pil_dtype})")
tqdm.write(f"\t\t\t{quality} slowdown vs openCV: "
# f"{ski_timing:.1f} vs {cv2_timing:.1f} µs -> "
f"{ski_timing / cv2_timing:.1f} "
f"({ski_dtype} vs {cv2_dtype})")
tqdm.write(f"\t\t\t{quality} slowdown vs scipy: "
# f"{ski_timing:.1f} vs {spy_timing:.1f} µs -> "
f"{ski_timing / spy_timing:.1f} "
f"({ski_dtype} vs {spy_dtype})")
if __name__ == "__main__":
for size in [512]:
tqdm.write(f"\nInput {size=}")
im = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (size, size))
for dtype in tqdm(['uint8', 'float32', 'float64']):
tqdm.write(f"\tInput {dtype=}")
if dtype == 'float32':
im = im / 255
im = im.astype(dtype)
results = get_results(im,
size_list=((91, 180), (128, 128)))
df = get_dataframe(results)
# plot_results(df, dtype)
Results here
Input size=512
Input dtype='uint8'
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 11.1 (float64 vs uint8)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 155.1 (float64 vs uint8)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.2 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.7 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 35.4 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 2.0 (float64 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 15.8 (uint8 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 26.0 (uint8 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 1.4 (uint8 vs uint8)
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 10.3 (float64 vs uint8)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 117.5 (float64 vs uint8)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.2 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.7 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 31.7 (float64 vs uint8)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 2.0 (float64 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 22.7 (uint8 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 31.3 (uint8 vs uint8)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 1.9 (uint8 vs uint8)
Input dtype='float32'
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 8.8 (float32 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 308.7 (float32 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.0 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.2 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 33.8 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 1.5 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 17.1 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 27.0 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 1.8 (float32 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 8.6 (float32 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 306.3 (float32 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.0 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.2 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 8.9 (float32 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 1.5 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 14.2 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 22.7 (float32 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 1.8 (float32 vs float32)
Input dtype='float64'
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 9.8 (float64 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 63.7 (float64 vs float64)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.2 (float64 vs float64)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.3 (float64 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 30.7 (float64 vs float64)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 1.7 (float64 vs float64)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 19.9 (float64 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 19.4 (float64 vs float64)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 2.2 (float64 vs float64)
bicubic slowdown vs PIL: 10.3 (float64 vs float32)
bicubic slowdown vs openCV: 78.2 (float64 vs float64)
bicubic slowdown vs scipy: 1.2 (float64 vs float64)
bilinear slowdown vs PIL: 1.3 (float64 vs float32)
bilinear slowdown vs openCV: 15.5 (float64 vs float64)
bilinear slowdown vs scipy: 1.7 (float64 vs float64)
nn slowdown vs PIL: 17.8 (float64 vs float32)
nn slowdown vs openCV: 15.7 (float64 vs float64)
nn slowdown vs scipy: 2.2 (float64 vs float64)
(+) vs others
gives full control on image border management, -
automaticly manages anti-aliasing with best practices depending on scaling factor, input data type and interpolation order, -
only outputsuint8
arrays (when a double precision array is provided, PIL cast it to single precision),
(-) vs others
- when
input image is converted to float if it is not already (probably one root of the problem), - Much slower :confounded: .
is highly optimized (with great support from Intel), so such a performance gap is not a surprise, so I would not say that this issue is a bug...
Even though OpenCV is optimized, comparing with PIL still shows a similar gap in performance. It seems conversion to float
is not a major part of the problem for order==0
and order==2
as using PIL with float32
still produces results x15 and x8 faster (respectively) in these instances. Beyond that in order==0
and order==1
there is a still a x1.5 pentaly over SciPy.
If I get a chance I'll try taking look at SciPy's implementation, PIL's and OpenCV's to understand if there is a clear underlying cause... Not sure I will though.
On second thought - if you are able to profile the performance of zoom_shift
that will give a better clue as to what is going on. I wonder if there is a redundant copy going on?
And another P.S. - I just noticed OpenAI's Gym repo was looking at rescaling specifically ( and they reference another library lycon2, turned into tinyscaler ( which seems super-relevant.
Great points @rfezzani! Removing the bug label and adding potential "enhancement" instead.
In the meantime, what do you think about pointing out
img = np.array(Image.fromarray(im).resize(size))
in the docstring as a fast alternative for if not all the bells and whistles of skimage.transfom.resize
are needed?
@lagru, this is in fact a good option :wink:
Hello scikit-image core devs! There hasn't been any activity on this issue for more than 180 days. I have marked it as "dormant" to make it easy to find. To our contributors, thank you for your contribution and apologies if this issue fell through the cracks! Hopefully this ping will help bring some fresh attention to the issue. If you need help, you can always reach out on our forum If you think that this issue is no longer relevant, you may close it, or we may do it at some point (either way, it will be done manually).