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Addition of photons in `coffea` fails because they don't have `mass` and `charge` fields.

Open ikrommyd opened this issue 6 months ago • 13 comments

Vector Version


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OS / Environment

macOS but doesn't matter

Describe the bug

Currently in coffea if you do

from coffea.nanoevents import NanoEventsFactory
events = NanoEventsFactory.from_root({"tests/samples/DYto2E.root": "Events"}).events()
events.Photon + events.Photon

you will get an error

ValueError: array does not have temporal coordinates (t/E/e/energy or tau/M/m/mass): seediEtaOriX, cutBased, cutBased_Fall17V2, electronVeto, isScEtaEB, isScEtaEE, mvaID_Fall17V2_WP80, mvaID_Fall17V2_WP90, mvaID_WP80, mvaID_WP90, pixelSeed, seedGain, electronIdx, jetIdx, seediPhiOriY, vidNestedWPBitmap, vidNestedWPBitmap_Fall17V2, energyErr, energyRaw, esEffSigmaRR, esEnergyOverRawE, eta, etaWidth, haloTaggerMVAVal, hoe, hoe_PUcorr, mvaID, mvaID_Fall17V2, pfChargedIsoPFPV, pfChargedIsoWorstVtx, pfPhoIso03, pfRelIso03_all_Fall17V2, pfRelIso03_all_quadratic, pfRelIso03_chg_Fall17V2, pfRelIso03_chg_quadratic, phi, phiWidth, pt, r9, s4, sieie, sieip, sipip, trkSumPtHollowConeDR03, x_calo, y_calo, z_calo, electronIdxG, jetIdxG

This error occurred while calling

        <PhotonArray-typetracer [...] type='## * var * Photon[seediEtaOriX:...'>
        <PhotonArray-typetracer [...] type='## * var * Photon[seediEtaOriX:...'>

If my understanding is correct, it's looking for mass field rather than an accessor. The photons don't have mass and a charge field right now in nanoaod. They used to at some point and it was set to zero. That's why you will not get this failure if you try this with the nano_dy.root file from coffea because it's old and thats why this wasn't caught by tests I assume. Lindsey commented that this should be solved with behaviors that supply the necessary inputs and and not keep hard-requiring fields to be present.

cc @lgray

Any additional but relevant log output

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ikrommyd avatar Aug 23 '24 23:08 ikrommyd