piptv copied to clipboard
On macOS, VLC isn't automatically opened despite the app is installed in /Applications
Like the title said, what would happen is that the script would go into a black screen with arrows waiting for the user to use Ctrl+C. However, the script can't open/play VLC, with no error whatsoever, even if VLC is opened or not.
Unfortunately I can't test this with mac, but I think I have some volunteers who might, so give me a bit and I will get back to you!
No worries, I can try if you want me to.
Suggested from the pull request https://github.com/schwifty42069/piptv/pull/4 that --plugins_path syntax should be added. Here is the command on macOS: if platform.system() == "Darwin": instance_args += "--plugins_path=/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins" However, there is an issue after implementing this is that there is only sound, no VLC. I'm looking into this atm.
Awesome great work, I will definitely do that. Keep me posted on that new issue that came up. I will leave this issue open until I add the additional instance args to vlc, and we iron the new issue out.
I am getting audio and no video on Mac Mojave?
I am setting up a VM to do some testing for Mac so I will let you guys know if I figure anything out. Leaving this open for now
Hi thanks for the work 😊 Same here on Mojave : Sound : OK Vidéo : KO
Haha alright. It will be a bit before I can test it, because my internet here is garbage and the only iso I could find for MacOS is 6GB lol. As soon as I am able to test, I will let you guys know what I find!
I haven't been able to test in macOS, but I did add a debug flag to the channel tune prompt. So if you want, type the channel name followed by --debug and paste the output here
for example, instead of typing just espn, type espn --debug and paste the output here
Here's the debug log when trying to connect to tlc: log
Damn, you're actually getting the stream data too, per the log. I should have a VM for macOS up by some point tonight, and will be able to test much more effectively. Will let you all know as soon as I do. Thanks for your patience!
Can any of you play an HLS hotlink with VLC directly? So for example, try running:
vlc """http://peer3.savitar.tv/NFL/myStream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9OS8yMC8yMDE5IDExOjQyOjEyIFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9alNNSnFOS0xKNHdndUs0TDhHUmlhQT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz0zNjAmaWQ9MA=="""
See if it plays successfully. I am just curious
Like this?
If you mean directly in the app, the answer is no:
Is that helpful?
Instead of using: vlc http://peer3.savitar.tv/NFL/myStream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9OS8yMC8yMDE5IDExOjQyOjEyIFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9alNNSnFOS0xKNHdndUs0TDhHUmlhQT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz0zNjAmaWQ9MA==
to open a stream, Terminal requires the path to the VLC app itself.
Running /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC http://peer3.savitar.tv/NFL/myStream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9OS8yMC8yMDE5IDExOjQyOjEyIFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9alNNSnFOS0xKNHdndUs0TDhHUmlhQT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz0zNjAmaWQ9MA==
will bring up the VLC client and attempt to open the video stream.
Resulting log
MacBook-Pro:~ username$ /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC http://peer3.savitar.tv/NFL/myStream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9OS8yMC8yMDE5IDExOjQyOjEyIFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9alNNSnFOS0xKNHdndUs0TDhHUmlhQT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz0zNjAmaWQ9MA== VLC media player 3.0.8 Vetinari (revision 3.0.8-0-gf350b6b5a7) [00007f8c2d202560] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. [00007f8c2bddab60] access stream error: HTTP 403 error 2019-09-21 00:29:28.894 VLC[99392:30884330] Can't find app with identifier com.spotify.client [00007f8c2bddab60] http stream error: error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Yeah the token expired, they only last 6 hours, I was hoping someone was gonna be active when I posted it haha. I am spinning up the macOS VM to do some testing. Sorry guys, I know this isn't fun.
From the research I have done into this, it seems that vlcs python bindings may need to be built from source for them to function correctly on macOS. I am playing with it now, and if I get it to work building them from source I will document the method here so that others can use it. If anyone really wants to use it now, you can use it in an Ubuntu VM, or you can use the piptv-plex script on this repo to generate an m3u containing all of the channels with fresh tokens to be used in the media player of your choice.
Have any of you tried the piptv-plex script or tried to run piptv in an ubuntu VM? Looks like it will be a bit before I can get an environment up and running for macOS, it's being a real pain in the ass -_- Again, I'm sorry guys. I just whipped this thing up, didn't expect as many people to use it as there are!
Just checking in. Have you been able to work on this issue at all? I'm trying to use piptv on macOS Catalina 10.15.1 and getting similar errors.