
Results 183 comments of schroef

Sorry for the late replay, ive been without a proper working laptop for a while. If you go into the addon folder and remove the last part of the folder...

SOrry never mind. Most items only show when i drop them in the user folder. It seems this one needs to be put outside this folder. Perhaps add some install...

I get some error when i try to install that, doesnt work like described from the site using the console.

Shift + fn + 12 doesnt do the job for me on 10.11.6 Isnt there a manual call for this or menu item? EDIT fixed by edit keymap ;)

thats one weird description though! Having blender installed should not matter, it is irrelevant! Perhaps also state what version of Blender your using. I noticed they are adding new method...

It does work, but should add that you need to save files without compression. Otherwise it doesnt work. But the preview is super crappy and alle files get 2/3 times...

Well in blender the preview looks of much better quality and also show more when you use "add previews"

I noticed it stopped working again... still using osx 10.11.6 tried both bl 2.78c and 2.79 nothing shows. Have previews on, saveing without compression. Still nothing. Ill try debuggin again...

I know see these errors when i debug it `Testing Quick Look preview with files: /Desktop/BLender-Quicklook-test.blend [WARNING] Unable to determine UTI for file:///Desktop/BLender-Quicklook-test.blend: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “BLender-Quicklook-test.blend” couldn’t...

ALso while its running i see the turning beachball and the window shows for a split second. doesn't seem like a valid working example