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Distorted depiction
I found a combination of ring systems that yields a distorted depiction:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdDepictor
Interestingly, removing either the methyl or the thiol groups yields a non-distorted depiction.
Thanks! I can reproduce this. I wonder if the methyl somehow interfers with a template for that ring system. @rachelnwalker is it possible to get an idea of what happens during the minimizatino step of this molecule?
This is interesting! @ZontaNicola, here are the animations (sorry about the mirrored coordinates)
Fragment DOF minimization stage:
FF Minimization stage:
ooh, that's very exciting. It looks like the dof step freaked out about the 1-0 and 3-4 bonds crossing.
wow so interesting, thanks! It looks like the shape of the fragment changed from having the 1 atom as a bridge to having 3-4 as a bridge but somehow the coordinates weren't updated somewhere so the connection to the rest of the molecule is wrong... looks like the work of a CoordgenFlipRingDOF
I disabled this kind of DoFs (I understand the problem but I don't think it's worth fixing at this stage). attaching a pic
PR will follow

@ZontaNicola I found another one in the same vein, again with a bridged system, in case you wish to check it against your fix:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdDepictor
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, @ptosco! here's what it looks like for me now

@ZontaNicola Thanks for the super quick reply! Great to hear that, you are awesome!