Results 50 issues of Jakob Schöttl

What is the effect of `bd` (without any parameters)? In most cases it does `cd ..`, wich I like! But consider this: ``` $ pwd /home $ bd /home $...

The shortcuts `\sa` and `\si` produce a timestamp with a localized day, e.g. German ``. But it should always be english, because: 1. only engish timestamps are syntax highlighted 2....

I noticed that there is no folding for import lists. Since import lists can be very long, I think it would be useful. Would you accept a pull request defining...

There is the CSS [`gap`]( property but it's not yet supported in elm-css. Only a gap transition exists already. Can I add it in a PR? I think it's very...

... just stumbled on this double not and wanted to provide a fix

### Issue type Other type of issue ### Bug description The event `onScoreStateChanged` in plugins is not called anymore in MS4. It used to work in MS3.6. Maybe the reason...

needs review

elm-mode seems to treat dots as part of a identifier, e.g. `model.state` is one word. This means that in evil mode many commands don't work as expected, e.g. `w`, `b`,...

What's the best way to cancel the test runner on the first failure (like bash's `-e`/`-o errexit`)? Is it even possible? I looked in `RunnerOptions`, but I didn't find it...

Another question: The [Xentral ERP OpenAPI spec]( declares custom mime types like `application/`. ```json … "operationId": "product.view", "summary": "View product", "description": "Returns details of a single product", "responses": { "200":...

Hi there, thanks for this great code gen! I'd just like to hear some opinions how to best fix this issue: In the [Xentral ERP OpenAPI spec]( they use this...