Felipe S. S. Schneider

Results 99 issues of Felipe S. S. Schneider

Hi, I would like to delete my account on the website, how do I do that? All the best, Felipe

Hi @kovaxis! This is more of a suggestion than anything else: maybe there is interest in reducing the technical debt of maintaining `u7`, `u4`, etc. and use some purpose-built solution?...

Hi, This PR rearranges the CSS file, separating the syntax highlighting from the rest. It also rearranges a bit since I translated the original to a sass file that I...

[`pin`](https://github.com/cormullion/Thebes.jl/blob/a8088bec098727c5badd6164393ee99f0b362b0d/src/pin.jl#L26) calls `gfunction` right away, which leads to unordered faces by default ([if I understood this correctly](https://cormullion.github.io/Thebes.jl/dev/objects/#Faces)). [`sortfaces!`](https://github.com/cormullion/Thebes.jl/blob/a8088bec098727c5badd6164393ee99f0b362b0d/src/Object.jl#L91) resolves that, but I think this can be automated by [(priority) queuing](https://juliacollections.github.io/DataStructures.jl/latest/priority-queue/)....


The following code produces the image below, which I find surprising: ```julia using Thebes, Luxor @draw begin origin() background("grey10") θ = π/4 ϕ = π/3 eyepoint(Point3D(250cos(θ) * sin(ϕ), 250sin(θ) *...

This solves the following: ```bash arch.make:73: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop. ```

No alternative screen, straight into the terminal. Default screen clean up should move-and-clean relative to the current cursor (so that scrolling doesn't mess with the output).

Simply wrap views and send a previous result if the state hasn't changed. This requires storing a copy of both the state and the previous view result.

help wanted
good first issue

See how [Bubble Tea does it](https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea/blob/cf3955fbe2392f8cc94ab363a0fc22a7d64d7fa1/commands.go#L55-L77) and how [Elm does it](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/Platform-Cmd#batch).

good first issue