
Results 16 comments of Manuel

Btw shouldn't the weights be initialized by random numbers close to 0 and in the range [-1;1]? For me when I run `randomNetwork` in the `IO` Monad the weights are...

True, you're right. I investigated the observed problem a little more. It happens to me when I use multiple `FullyConnected` layers with `Relu` activations sequentially ending with a `FullyConnected` layer...

So, I'm quite busy for another 2-3 weeks. After that I could do the ticket if that's ok for everyone. But I will have to look into literature on how...

Hi @HuwCampbell first of all I'd like to say sorry for taking that long. I have finally found time to work on the initialization. You can find the current version...

And why is there no instance for Foldable on NonEmpty? instance Foldable c => Foldable (NonEmpty c) where foldl' f a (NonEmpty xs) = foldl' f a xs foldr' f...

You have to upgrade stack: $ stack upgrade And ensure that the upgraded stack version is actually on the PATH and being used with `stack --version`.