MrDiy-Audio-Notifier copied to clipboard
esp stuck after select external DAC
i flash nodemcu v3 (esp8266) No DAC mode works good. I want use max98357A, I choose external DAC on config web page and saving. After that my esp at stuck, no sound, no web, no wifi. Only blue led permanently light.
in serial port repeating
wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 3460, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0xcc
load 0x3fff20b8, len 40, room 4
tail 4
chksum 0xc9
csum 0xc9
Config version: init
Config size: 357
Loading configurations
|-- [iwcSys]
| |-- 'iwcThingName' with value: 'MrDIYNotifier-25942c'
| |-- 'iwcApPassword' with value: <hidden>
| |-- [iwcWifi0]
| | |-- 'iwcWifiSsid' with value: 'MG'
| | \-- 'iwcWifiPassword' with value: <hidden>
| \-- 'iwcApTimeout' with value: '30'
|-- [iwcCustom]
| |-- [mqttgroup]
| | |-- 'mqttServer' with value: ''
| | |-- 'mqttUser' with value: 'mqtt'
| | |-- 'mqttPass' with value: <hidden>
| | \-- 'mqttTopic (without / at the end)' with value: '/esp_not'
| \-- [soundgroup]
| |-- 'Sound_output' with value: 'EXTERNAL_DAC'
| |-- 'Sound_Volume' with value: '0.5'
| |-- 'samVoice :' with value: 'STUFFY'
| \-- 'GoogleTTSvoice' with value: ''
\-- [hidden]
Using I2S output on ESP8266 : please connect your DAC to pins :
LCK(LRC) -> GPIO2 (D4)
BCK(BCLK) -> GPIO15 (D8)
I2So(DIN) -> GPIO3 (RX)
SkipApStartup mode was applied
State changing from: 0 to 3
Connecting to [MG] (password is hidden)
WiFi timeout (ms): 30000
State changed from: 0 to 3
[MQTT] /esp_not/status idle
Giving up.
State changing from: 3 to 2
Setting up AP: MrDIYNotifier-25942c
Use password: <hidden>
AP IP address:
AP timeout (ms): 30000
State changed from: 3 to 2
State changing from: 2 to 3
Connecting to [MG] (password is hidden)
WiFi timeout (ms): 30000
State changed from: 2 to 3