Schmitt Christian

Results 94 comments of Schmitt Christian

Currently this is totally expected since XML has two different "values" one is CDATA and one is PCDATA. PCDATA means escaped values and all XML values are automatically escaped if...

well the problem was probably `hostPathType := v1.HostPathDirectoryOrCreate` this line. i.e. the path was not created. so to support local volumes correctly somebody needs to enhance the mr to create...

@retronym so the way forward to use the module-system is to place a `` into the `scala/` folder? doesn't that seems wierd. Can't the scala compiler have his own `module-info.scala`,...

well but wouldn't that mean that scala-js/scala-native needs to ingore any

Currently I have no idea how that could be better, however I think maybe it's better to have always Compiled Queries, except the user explicitly wan't non compiled, that would...

@cvogt how could I compile a query that takes no parameters??

Query: ``` val compilde = Compiled { articles.sortBy( } ``` Error: ``` type mismatch; found : compilde.type (with underlying type slick.lifted.CompiledStreamingExecutable[slick.lifted.Query[de.envisia.article.daos.ArticleTable,de.envisia.article.daos.ArticleTable#TableElementType,Seq],Seq[de.envisia.article.daos.ArticleTable#TableElementType],de.envisia.article.daos.ArticleTable#TableElementType]) required: ?{def result: ?} Note that implicit conversions...

Also a Huge impact is a bigger Query, where the where part will be dynamically generated. There is no way to have such a query compiled, ok there is a...

@cvogt i know that the plain SQL interpolation is injection safe, however that is not safe: ``` val whereList = (s"username = '$username'" :: s"custome_id = $id" List()) val where...

hm i will definitly make an issue, however currently my time is really really limited. But i will take a look into it.