jquery-object-fit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jquery-object-fit copied to clipboard

OUTDATED! CSS3 object-fit polyfill with jQuery

Results 4 jquery-object-fit issues
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Hi Simon, great idea to do this shim, although I have some performance doubts,... If you don't want to take care about the following points, just close this issue ;o)...

When I have a container for the image with width:100%, and height:100% everything works great with css supported. WHen I have a js $('.container img').objectFit('contain'), InternetExplorer show the right dimension...

I tried to look for the object-fit:'fill' option but all I could find was contain and cover. Does this currently support the fill property? If so, how do I implement...

The findParentRatio function: ``` js function findParentRatio(jqObject) { var p = jqObject.parent(), displayType = p.css('display'); if (displayType == 'block' || displayType == '-webkit-box' && p.width() > 0) { return {...