ReSeq copied to clipboard
warning: The sequences in variant file are not sorted according to the reference.
Sorry authors, I got so many many many error when I use ReSeq tool, one was listed follow:
!!! bool reseq::InsertLengthSpline::GetSamplePositions(const reseq::Vect
25-10-23 20:40:29: info: Generated 0 read pairs (0%). ??? void reseq::Reference::CloseVcfFile() [/opt/conda/conda-bld/reseq_1607076765868/work/reseq/Reference.cpp:430]: warning: The sequences in variant file are not sorted according to the reference. The following variation record and all after it have been ignored during simulation: 2 2216421 . C T 146308 . AC=656;AF=0.315;AN=2082;BaseQRankSum=3.520;DP=13406;Dels=0.00;ExcessHet=-0.0000;FS=2.597;HaplotypeScore=5.9402;InbreedingCoeff=0.4487;MLEAC=638;MLEAF=0.306;MQ=58.99;MQ0=227;MQRankSum=11.863;QD=25.91;ReadPosRankSum=1.672;SOR=0.867;ANNOVAR_DATE=2017-06-01;Func.refGene=intronic;Gene.refGene=gene:ENSSSCG00000034390;GeneDetail.refGene=.;ExonicFunc.refGene=.;AAChange.refGene=.;ALLELE_END GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0,8:8:24:318,24,0
I check my vcf format with test.vcf in github, there was no differents I found, Could u tell me how to solve this error? Thanks!