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Testing utilities for storm


This contains some potentially useful testing functions for testing storm topologies. It is meant to compliment those already included in storm itself.

You secretly wanted to use clojure to test your topologies anyway (even if you haven't figured out that that is what you want yet).



Currently this only contains a macro to tell Storm to shut up so you can see the test output. It is used like so:

  (with-local-cluster [cluster]


Capturing topology behaves very similarly to a complete-topology, except that you have control over when tuples are emitted and when you read results from the tuple capturer. This is useful if you want to be able to check the state of the topology in between events. Helpers are provided to wait until all current tuples are acked or failed. Tuple capturing is implemented using immutable data structures and Clojure atoms, so you could hold on to an old version of the tuples, emit some more data, and then compare.

It is important to use this in simulated time.

Usage is like so:

(with-simulated-time-local-cluster [cluster]
  (let [ topology (mk-your-topology) ]
    (with-capturing-topology [ capture
                               :mock-sources ["words"]
                               :storm-conf {TOPOLOGY-DEBUG true} ]
      (feed-spout! capture "words" ["monday"])
      ; whee, not waiting around for anything is fun, I could feed so many
      ; tuples through right now!
      (feed-spout-and-wait! capture "words" ["serious"])
      ; Now I'm waiting for all tuples that have been fed in to get acked
      ; or failed, I'm so mature.
      (read-current-tuples capture "words")
      ; Cool, now I can see [["monday"] ["serious"]] are the tuples
      ; emitted by my spout.)))

You can also play with the clusters time and other such nasty pranks inside of here.


Simulated time is awesome. DRPC is awesome. Together though, there is only pain and your test will hang forever. The execute-drpc! helper allows your tests to use drpc with or without simulated time. It may be exceptionally useful in a capturing topology. Usage is like so:

(execute-drpc! cluster drpc-client "exclamation" "hello")


Sometimes it is nice to see what your topology actually looks like. This namespace includes utilities to turn your topology into a pretty graph. To use this, you need to have graphviz installed and dot somewhere on your PATH.

You probably want to use this from the REPL, in which case typing

(visualize-topology your-topology)

will create and open a png of your topology. The result looks like this:

A silly topology


  1. tracked-capturing-topology for use with tracked clusters. I go back and forth on whether this would help many situations.
  2. Failure testing: attach a bolt that fails tuples under certain conditions as well as beef up testing spouts to replay realistically.
  3. Test-generative helpers. test-generative seems cool, would be nice to test topologies with a whole mess of randomly generated tuples.


Copyright (C) 2011 Ben Hughes

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.