DotNetBlog copied to clipboard
A Tiny Blog Written in Asp.Net Core
The blog is hosted on
How to Build and Run:
Clone the repository
Restore the dependencies
dotnet restore
Build admin portal
cd src/DotNetBlog.Admin npm install webpack
Install front-end client libraries
cd src/DotNetBlog.Web bower install
Edit connection string
Open 'src/DotNetBlog.Web/App_Data/config.json' to specify you own connection string.
{ "database": "sqlite", "connectionString": "DataSource=App_Data/blog.db" //"database": "sqlserver", //"connectionString": "server=.\\SqlServer2008;database=DotNetBlog;uid=sa;pwd=123456;" }
DotNetBlog supports two kinds of database. You can set "database" to "sqite" or "sqlserver"
Run the project
dotnet run
Initialize the blog
You can access 'http://{YourBlogAddress}/install' to initialize the blog, this will help to create a default admin user, which username and password are both 'admin'.
The project is still in DEVELOPMENT!