Schell Carl Scivally
Schell Carl Scivally
I just ran into this problem with `glam::Vec3`. I didn't realize that its layout is 16bytes on GPU, but 12 on CPU.
@LegNeato that sounds a lot like what [crabslab]( does, though crabslab stores and reads that data from an explicit buffer of `&[u32]`.
I'm definitely glad you're looking into it! As it stands mogwai performs _worst_ in the memory domain. I welcome any improvements, so long as they don't hamper ergonomics.
Thank you for the benchmarking! It's too bad it isn't an obvious easy win. > I wonder if just using a Cow
It definitely seems that something like this is good to put on the roadmap.
@OvermindDL1 - I'm back on this - well the rendering from a reference portion. What type exactly are you referring to? Because `SsrDom`'s `html_string` method takes `&self`.
This would be especially nice for systems that only have (or would like to only have) a single atlas for textures.
Any updates here? It's been a couple years - maybe things have progressed?
As of 2015 the encantation `ghc --ddump-splices {file}` will print the splices of `{file}` to stdout. Before that it printed to stderr (source: I use stack, however, so in...
I think that by the time I learned enough VimL you would most likely have it done! I'll give it a shot tonight if can, though. :)