angular-super-gallery copied to clipboard
AngularJS super image gallery
AngularJS Super Gallery
Image gallery based on AngularJS and Bootstrap 4. (for Bootstrap 3 switch to the bootstrap3 branch)
"angular": "1.8.0",
"angular-animate": "1.8.0",
"angular-touch": "1.8.0",
"bootstrap": "4.5.0",
"font-awesome": "4.7.0",
"jquery": "3.5.1",
"screenfull": "5.0.2"
- separated Angular components (image, modal, thumbnail, panel, info and control)
- highly configurable
- image display modes (cover, contain, auto, stretch)
- multiple image sizes : thumbnail (for panel) , medium (for image), original (for modal)
- responsive and 4 built-in themes
- 13 image transitions (CSS3 3D)
- configurable keyboard shortcuts in modal window
- events (config load, image load, modal open/close, autoplay, update, etc.)
- placeholder image and loading animation
- touch support (swipe)
npm install --save angular-super-gallery
oryarn add angular-super-gallery
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import 'angular-super-gallery/dist/angular-super-gallery.css';
import 'jquery';
import 'angular';
import 'bootstrap';
import 'angular-animate';
import 'angular-touch';
import 'screenfull';
import angularSuperGallery from 'angular-super-gallery';
angular.module("app", [angularSuperGallery]);
Quick usage in HTML
data-options='{"baseUrl" : ""}'
Advanced usage
setup in controller
this.showModal = false;
this.nature1Options = {
baseUrl: "https://",
fields: {
source: {
modal: "link",
image: "medium",
panel: "thumbnail"
modal: {
transition: 'zoomInOut'
panel: {
thumbnail: {
class: "col-md-4"
image: {
transition: 'fadeInOut'
this.nature1 = [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"medium": "",
}, {
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"medium": "",
<asg-image data-id="nature" data-options="ctrl.nature1Options" data-items="ctrl.nature1">
<asg-modal data-visible="ctrl.showModal"></asg-modal>
<asg-panel data-id="nature"></asg-panel>
or (without thumbnails)
<asg-image data-options="ctrl.nature1Options" data-items="ctrl.nature1">
<asg-modal data-visible="ctrl.showModal"></asg-modal>
Available options
debug: false, // image load, autoplay, etc. info in console.log
hashUrl: true, // enable/disable hash usage in url (#asg-nature-4)
baseUrl: '', // url prefix
duplicates: false, // enable or disable same images (url) in gallery
selected: 0, // selected image on init
fields: {
source: {
modal: 'url', // required, image url for modal component (large size)
panel: 'url', // image url for panel component (thumbnail size)
image: 'url', // image url for image (medium or custom size)
placeholder: null // image url for preload lowres image
title: 'title', // title field name
description: 'description', // description field name
autoplay: {
enabled: false, // slideshow play enabled/disabled
delay: 4100 // autoplay delay in millisecond
theme: 'default', // css style [default, darkblue, darkred, whitegold]
preloadNext: false, // preload next image (forward/backward)
preloadDelay: 770, // preload delay for preloadNext
loadingImage: 'preload.svg', // loader image
preload: [], // preload images by index number
modal: {
title: '', // modal window title
subtitle: '', // modal window subtitle
titleFromImage: false, // force update the gallery title by image title
subtitleFromImage: false, // force update the gallery subtitle by image description
placeholder: 'panel', // set image placeholder source type (thumbnail) or full url (http...)
caption: {
disabled: false, // disable image caption
visible: true, // show/hide image caption
position: 'top', // caption position [top, bottom]
download: false // show/hide download link
header: {
enabled: true, // enable/disable modal menu
dynamic: false, // show/hide modal menu on mouseover
buttons: ['playstop', 'index', 'prev', 'next', 'pin', 'size', 'transition', 'thumbnails', 'fullscreen', 'help', 'close'],
help: false, // show/hide help
arrows: {
enabled: true, // show/hide arrows
preload: true, // preload image on mouseover
click: {
close: true // when click on the image close the modal
thumbnail: {
height: 50, // thumbnail image height in pixel
index: false, // show index number on thumbnail
enabled: true, // enable/disable thumbnails
dynamic: false, // if true thumbnails visible only when mouseover
autohide: true, // hide thumbnail component when single image
click: {
select: true, // set selected image when true
modal: false // open modal when true
hover: {
preload: true, // preload image on mouseover
select: false // set selected image on mouseover when true
transition: 'slideLR', // transition effect
transitionSpeed: 0.7, // transition speed 0.7s
size: 'cover', // contain, cover, auto, stretch
keycodes: {
exit: [27], // esc
playpause: [80], // p
forward: [32, 39], // space, right arrow
backward: [37], // left arrow
first: [38, 36], // up arrow, home
last: [40, 35], // down arrow, end
fullscreen: [13], // enter
menu: [77], // m
caption: [67], // c
help: [72], // h
size: [83], // s
transition: [84] // t
thumbnail: {
height: 50, // thumbnail image height in pixel
index: false, // show index number on thumbnail
dynamic: false, // if true thumbnails visible only when mouseover
autohide: false, // hide thumbnail component when single image
click: {
select: true, // set selected image when true
modal: false // open modal when true
hover: {
preload: true, // preload image on mouseover
select: false // set selected image on mouseover when true
panel: {
visible: true,
item: {
class: 'col-md-3', // item class
caption: false, // show/hide image caption
index: false, // show/hide image index
hover: {
preload: true, // preload image on mouseover
select: false // set selected image on mouseover when true
click: {
select: false, // set selected image when true
modal: true // open modal when true
image: {
transition: 'slideLR', // transition effect
transitionSpeed: 0.7, // transition speed 0.7s
size: 'cover', // contain, cover, auto, stretch
arrows: {
enabled: true, // show/hide arrows
preload: true, // preload image on mouseover
click: {
modal: true // when click on the image open the modal window
height: null, // height in pixel
heightMin: null, // min height in pixel
heightAuto: {
initial: true, // calculate div height by first image
onresize: false // calculate div height on window resize
placeholder: 'panel' // set image placeholder source type (thumbnail) or full url (http...)
Add new image or images to the gallery by id
$rootScope.$broadcast('ASG-gallery-edit', {
id: 'nature',
add: [{
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"medium": "",
Update gallery options and set selected image
$rootScope.$broadcast('ASG-gallery-edit', {
id: 'nature',
selected: 0,
options: this.options1
Reload gallery images
$rootScope.$broadcast('ASG-gallery-edit', {
id: 'nature',
refresh: true
Delete image
$rootScope.$broadcast('ASG-gallery-edit', {
id: 'nature',
delete: null // index number or null for delete selected image
Update gallery images
$rootScope.$broadcast('ASG-gallery-edit', {
id: 'nature',
update: ['image1url', 'image2url', {source: {image: 'image3url', title: 'image3title'}}]; // use image url or object
- no
- fadeInOut
- zoomIn
- zoomOut
- zoomInOut
- rotateLR
- rotateTB
- rotateZY
- slideLR
- slideTB
- zlideLR
- zlideTB
- flipX
- flipY
Default keyboard shortcuts in modal window
- RIGHT / SPACE : forward
- LEFT : backward
- UP / HOME : first
- DOWN / END : last
- ESC : exit
- ENTER : toggle fullscreen
- p : play/pause
- t : change transition effect
- m : toggle menu
- s : toggle image size
- c : toggle caption
- h : toggle help
ASG-config-load-[gallery id]
ASG-autoplay-start-[gallery id]
ASG-autoplay-stop-[gallery id]
ASG-parse-images-[gallery id]
ASG-first-image-[gallery id]
ASG-load-image-[gallery id]
ASG-change-image-[gallery id]
ASG-modal-open-[gallery id]
ASG-modal-close-[gallery id]
ASG-thumbnail-move-[gallery id]
- Node.js 12 recommended
npm install
npm run dev
npm run prod
(minified javascript and css file) -
npm run watch
(automatic build under development)
- Vimeo video player [WIP]
- slideshow mode (fullscreen, hide menu and arrows, start autoplay)
- indicator component
- theme color setup
- remove caption from modal and add asg-info
- control component custom buttons
- header component with controls = modal header?
- fix info component image width and height data
- exit button must be visible on modal when menubar hidden
- load images and config from API endpoint
- add edit mode (upload, delete, rename, etc.) for admin page
- options and info menu in modal
- image zoom / drag / rotate
- image info (original width and height / bytes)
- preloader svg fix in Microsoft Edge (or fix Edge :)
- remember website hash and set back when modal closed?