go-to-do-app icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
go-to-do-app copied to clipboard

This is a to-do list application. It's server is created in Golang, db is mongodb and client is in React.

:memo: Go To Do App

This is a to-do list application. The complete tutorial is published on my blog.

Server: Golang
Client: React, semantic-ui-react
Database: Local MongoDB

The offline version of application Get Shit Done is hosted at

:link: https://schadokar.github.io/go-to-do-app/

:link: http://getshitdone.surge.sh

Offline to-do app instruction. here


  1. DB connection string, name and collection name moved to .env file as environment variable. Using github.com/joho/godotenv to read the environment variables.
  2. feature/cloud-native-deployment provided by abdennour. Thank you @abdennour to dockerize it. His features supports both Docker and Kubernetes.

Application Requirement

golang server requirement

  1. golang https://golang.org/dl/
  2. gorilla/mux package for router go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux
  3. mongo-driver package to connect with mongoDB go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver
  4. github.com/joho/godotenv to access the environment variable.

react client

From the Application directory

create-react-app client

:computer: Start the application

  1. Make sure your mongoDB is started
  2. Create a .env file inside the go-server and copy the keys from .env.example and update the DB connection string.
  3. From go-server directory, open a terminal and run go run main.go
  4. From client directory,
    a. install all the dependencies using npm install
    b. start client npm start

:panda_face: Walk through the application

Open application at http://localhost:3000

Index page

Create task

Enter a task and Enter

Task Complete

On completion of a task, click "done" Icon of the respective task card.

You'll notice on completion of task, card's bottom line color changed from yellow to green.

Undo a task

To undone a task, click on "undo" Icon,

You'll notice on completion of task, card's bottom line color changed from green to yellow.

Delete a task

To delete a task, click on "delete" Icon.


:sun_with_face: Shubham Kumar Chadokar

I am software engineer and love to write articles and tutorials on golang, blockchain, and nodejs.
Please checkout my other articles on :link: https://schadokar.dev :tada:




MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Shubham Chadokar