jquery-ajaxchimp copied to clipboard
Use ajax for your mailchimp form
AjaxChimp is a jQuery plugin that lets you ajaxify your mailchimp form.
Use this if you hate the jarring transition to the mailchimp website upon submitting an email address to mailchimp.
Note: This relies on an undocumented feature at mailchimp that uses JSONP to allow cross-domain ajax to work. You have been warned. (It has however, been around for at least 3 years that I know of, and probably more.)
Just add the script to your webpage (along with jQuery ofcourse). Get it here:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scdoshi/jquery-ajaxchimp/master/jquery.ajaxchimp.js
bower install ajaxchimp
- jQuery
Note: Developed with 1.9.1, but it should work with earlier versions. If it does or does not work with a particular version, please open an issue on github.
On the mailchimp form element
If a label element is included in the form for the email input, then the success or error message will be displayed in it. A valid
or error
class will also be added accordingly.
Example Form
<form id="mc-form">
<input id="mc-email" type="email" placeholder="email">
<label for="mc-email"></label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
url: 'http://blahblah.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=5afsdhfuhdsiufdba6f8802&id=4djhfdsh9'
Optionally, you can specify a callback with either method to run after the ajax query to mailchimp succeeds or fails.
callback: callbackFunction
The JSONP response from mailchimp will be passed to the callback function
function callbackFunction (resp) {
if (resp.result === 'success') {
// Do stuff
You can specify the mailchimp URL to post to (or override the url provided on the form element)
url: 'mailchimp-post-url'
The mailchimp post url will look like this:
Language Support
For success and error messages in different languages:
- Specify the language as an option.
- Include
in the html file
language: 'es'
Note: If the language you want is not supported out of the box, or the translations are wrong, open a pull request with the required language and I will add it in.
You can also add custom translations just for your website:
$.ajaxChimp.translations.es = {
'submit': 'Grabación en curso...',
0: 'Te hemos enviado un email de confirmación',
1: 'Por favor, introduzca un valor',
2: 'Una dirección de correo electrónico debe contener una sola @',
3: 'La parte de dominio de la dirección de correo electrónico no es válida (la parte después de la @:)',
4: 'La parte de usuario de la dirección de correo electrónico no es válida (la parte antes de la @:)',
5: 'Esta dirección de correo electrónico se ve falso o no válido. Por favor, introduce una dirección de correo electrónico real'
The mapping to english for mailchimp responses and the submit message are as follows:
// Submit Message
// 'submit': 'Submitting...'
// Mailchimp Responses
// 0: 'We have sent you a confirmation email'
// 1: 'Please enter a value'
// 2: 'An email address must contain a single @'
// 3: 'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: )'
// 4: 'The username portion of the email address is invalid (the portion before the @: )'
// 5: 'This email address looks fake or invalid. Please enter a real email address'