clean_rawdata copied to clipboard
Unsolved mystery using average reference
Import this dataset.
Do average reference. Apply clean_rawdata with the default but changing the filter to 0.75 to 1.25 Hz. The resulting dataset crash because ASR rejection is too aggressive (331 samples left).
However, if you do not apply average reference with the same settings, then the size is 16000 samples. Also, if you use the default 0.25 to 0.75 filter, the size is 16000 (even with average reference).
options = {'FlatlineCriterion',5,'ChannelCriterion',0.85, ...
'LineNoiseCriterion',4,'Highpass',[0.75 1.25] ,'BurstCriterion',20, ...
'WindowCriterion',0.25,'BurstRejection','on','Distance','Euclidian', ...
'WindowCriterionTolerances',[-Inf 7] ,'fusechanrej',1};
pop_clean_rawdata(EEG, options{:});
There must be some weird problems in ASR and interaction between the average reference and HP filter. Need further investigation by a motivated soul.