amica copied to clipboard
AMICA not working on NSG server
Hello, I've been trying to run AMICA on NSG server but it doesn't work. Attached the code I used to run it and the outputs I got. the dataset I'm using is epoched. I tried both running it using one node and using multiple nodes by setting numprocs=4 and both failed. the input file:
%% test_script_amica_nsg.m
% add eeglab to path
eeglab; close;
% load dataset
filepath = [ pwd filesep ];
filename = '23456.set';
EEG = pop_loadset(filename, filepath);
% define parameters
numprocs = 1; % # of nodes (1-4: default 1)
max_threads = 24; % # of threads (1-24: default = 24)
num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture ICA
max_iter = 3000; % max number of learning steps
% run amica on NSG
outdir = [ pwd filesep 'amicaouttmp' filesep ];
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter);
output files STDOUT
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2019b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
November 27, 2019
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit
[Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In runAmica (line 3)]
eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m
EEGLAB: adding "ANTeepimport" v1.13 (see >> help eegplugin_eepimport)
EEGLAB: adding "BCI2000import" v0.36 (see >> help eegplugin_BCI2000import)
EEGLAB: adding "BDFimport" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "MEF_import" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_mefimport)
EEGLAB: adding "NEUROPRAXimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_NEUROPRAXimport)
EEGLAB: adding "WearableSensing" v1.09 (see >> help eegplugin_pop_WearableSensing)
EEGLAB: adding "amica" v1.5.1 (see >> help eegplugin_amica)
EEGLAB: adding "bci2000legacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_bci2000legacy)
EEGLAB: adding "bdfimport" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "biopac" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_biopac)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io-" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "cogniscan" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_cogniscan)
EEGLAB: adding "corrmap" v2.02.1 (see >> help eegplugin_corrmap)
EEGLAB: adding "ctfimport" v1.04 (see >> help eegplugin_ctfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit)
EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy)
EEGLAB: adding "erpssimport" v1.01 (see >> help eegplugin_erpssimport)
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v1.6.2 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
EEGLAB: adding "gtecimport" v3.15.01 (see >> help eegplugin_gtecimport)
EEGLAB: adding "import_NihonKodenM00files" v1.11 (see >> help eegplugin_importNihonKodenM00)
EEGLAB: adding "instepascimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_ascinstep)
EEGLAB: adding "loadcurry" v2.0 (see >> help eegplugin_loadcurry)
EEGLAB: adding "loadhdf5v" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_loadhdf5)
EEGLAB: error while adding plugin "eegplugin_mffimport"
Error using error
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
EEGLAB: adding "mffmatlabio" v2.01 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio)
EEGLAB: adding "musemonitor" v3.1 (see >> help eegplugin_musemonitor)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroimaging4d" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_4dneuroimaging)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroneimport" v1.0.3.4 (see >> help eegplugin_neurone)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio)
EEGLAB: adding "procominfinity" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_procom)
EEGLAB: adding "snapmaster" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_snapmaster)
EEGLAB: adding "xdf-EEGLAB" v1.14 (see >> help eegplugin_xdfimport)
[Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In eeglab (line 1084)
In runAmica (line 3)]
pop_loadset(): loading file /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-985C5F6F32174E75A1931EDA1AD2E76B/12456/12456.set ...
Running AMICA on single node ...
INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code ffffffff (Ring Index out of range) in rdma_cm_get_hostnames:1267
Warning: RDMA CM Initialization failed. Continuing without RDMA CM support. Please set MV2_USE_RDMA_CM=0 to disable RDMA CM.
1 processor name =
1 host_num = 1457401042
This is MPI process 1 of 1 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
1 : node root process 1 of 1
Processing arguments ...
forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write
Image PC Routine Line Source
amica15c 0000000000E88B8B Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 0000000000E86B97 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000044D799 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040CD6C Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040A6B6 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002B5285D823D5 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040A529 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Oops! AMICA did not run succesfully...
{Unrecognized function or variable 'filename'.
Error in runamica15_nsg (line 922)
if exist(filename,'file')
Error in runAmica (line 18)
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir,
Are you sure you're using pop_loadset correctly? I think you need keywords, like EEG=pop_loadset('filename',filename,'filepath',filepath);
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, 6:44 PM moo-n [email protected] wrote:
Hello, I've been trying to run AMICA on NSG server but it doesn't work. Attached the code I used to run it and the outputs I got. the dataset I'm using is epoched. I tried both running it using one node and using multiple nodes by setting numprocs=4 and both failed. the input file:
%% test_script_amica_nsg.m
% add eeglab to path
eeglab; close;
% load dataset
filepath = [ pwd filesep ];
filename = '23456.set';
EEG = pop_loadset(filename, filepath);
% define parameters
numprocs = 1; % # of nodes (1-4: default 1)
max_threads = 24; % # of threads (1-24: default = 24)
num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture ICA
max_iter = 3000; % max number of learning steps
% run amica on NSG
outdir = [ pwd filesep 'amicaouttmp' filesep ];
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter);
output files STDOUT
< M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc. R2019b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64) November 27, 2019
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit
[�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[�> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In runAmica (line 3)]�
eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m
EEGLAB: adding "ANTeepimport" v1.13 (see >> help eegplugin_eepimport)
EEGLAB: adding "BCI2000import" v0.36 (see >> help eegplugin_BCI2000import)
EEGLAB: adding "BDFimport" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "MEF_import" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_mefimport)
EEGLAB: adding "NEUROPRAXimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_NEUROPRAXimport)
EEGLAB: adding "WearableSensing" v1.09 (see >> help eegplugin_pop_WearableSensing)
EEGLAB: adding "amica" v1.5.1 (see >> help eegplugin_amica)
EEGLAB: adding "bci2000legacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_bci2000legacy)
EEGLAB: adding "bdfimport" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "biopac" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_biopac)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io-" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "cogniscan" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_cogniscan)
EEGLAB: adding "corrmap" v2.02.1 (see >> help eegplugin_corrmap)
EEGLAB: adding "ctfimport" v1.04 (see >> help eegplugin_ctfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit)
EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy)
EEGLAB: adding "erpssimport" v1.01 (see >> help eegplugin_erpssimport)
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v1.6.2 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
EEGLAB: adding "gtecimport" v3.15.01 (see >> help eegplugin_gtecimport)
EEGLAB: adding "import_NihonKodenM00files" v1.11 (see >> help eegplugin_importNihonKodenM00)
EEGLAB: adding "instepascimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_ascinstep)
EEGLAB: adding "loadcurry" v2.0 (see >> help eegplugin_loadcurry)
EEGLAB: adding "loadhdf5v" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_loadhdf5)
EEGLAB: error while adding plugin "eegplugin_mffimport"
Error using error
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
EEGLAB: adding "mffmatlabio" v2.01 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio)
EEGLAB: adding "musemonitor" v3.1 (see >> help eegplugin_musemonitor)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroimaging4d" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_4dneuroimaging)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroneimport" v1.0.3.4 (see >> help eegplugin_neurone)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio)
EEGLAB: adding "procominfinity" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_procom)
EEGLAB: adding "snapmaster" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_snapmaster)
EEGLAB: adding "xdf-EEGLAB" v1.14 (see >> help eegplugin_xdfimport)
[�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[�> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In eeglab (line 1084)
In runAmica (line 3)]�
pop_loadset(): loading file /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-985C5F6F32174E75A1931EDA1AD2E76B/12456/12456.set ...
Running AMICA on single node ...
INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code ffffffff (Ring Index out of range) in rdma_cm_get_hostnames:1267
Warning: RDMA CM Initialization failed. Continuing without RDMA CM support. Please set MV2_USE_RDMA_CM=0 to disable RDMA CM.
1 processor name = 1 host_num = 1457401042
This is MPI process 1 of 1 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node: 1 : node root process 1 of 1
Processing arguments ...
forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write
Image PC Routine Line Source
amica15c 0000000000E88B8B Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 0000000000E86B97 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000044D799 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040CD6C Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040A6B6 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002B5285D823D5 Unknown Unknown Unknown
amica15c 000000000040A529 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Oops! AMICA did not run succesfully...
{�Unrecognized function or variable 'filename'.
Error in runamica15_nsg (line 922)
if exist(filename,'file')
Error in runAmica (line 18)
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir,
— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .
Are you sure you're using pop_loadset correctly? I think you need keywords, like EEG=pop_loadset('filename',filename,'filepath',filepath); .
I just tried the command and it loads the set just fine.
Did you save the dataset as separate .set and .fdt files? If it is single file it won't work. This can be changed in options in Eeglab gui.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, 10:31 PM moo-n [email protected] wrote:
Are you sure you're using pop_loadset correctly? I think you need keywords, like EEG=pop_loadset('filename',filename,'filepath',filepath); … <#m_-2793330629098404438_> On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, 6:44 PM moo-n @.***> wrote: Hello, I've been trying to run AMICA on NSG server but it doesn't work. Attached the code I used to run it and the outputs I got. the dataset I'm using is epoched. I tried both running it using one node and using multiple nodes by setting numprocs=4 and both failed. the input file: %% test_script_amica_nsg.m % add eeglab to path eeglab; close; % load dataset filepath = [ pwd filesep ]; filename = '23456.set'; EEG = pop_loadset(filename, filepath); % define parameters numprocs = 1; % # of nodes (1-4: default 1) max_threads = 24; %
of threads (1-24: default = 24) num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture
ICA max_iter = 3000; % max number of learning steps % run amica on NSG outdir = [ pwd filesep 'amicaouttmp' filesep ]; runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter); output files STDOUT < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc. R2019b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64) November 27, 2019 To get started, type doc. For product information, visit [�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported: /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/applications_centos7/eeglab_new/functions/resources]� [�> In path (line 109) In addpath (line 86) In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053) In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082) In eeglab (line 287) In runAmica (line 3)]� eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m EEGLAB: adding "ANTeepimport" v1.13 (see >> help eegplugin_eepimport) EEGLAB: adding "BCI2000import" v0.36 (see >> help eegplugin_BCI2000import) EEGLAB: adding "BDFimport" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport) EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path EEGLAB: adding "MEF_import" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_mefimport) EEGLAB: adding "NEUROPRAXimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_NEUROPRAXimport) EEGLAB: adding "WearableSensing" v1.09 (see
help eegplugin_pop_WearableSensing) EEGLAB: adding "amica" v1.5.1 (see help eegplugin_amica) EEGLAB: adding "bci2000legacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_bci2000legacy) EEGLAB: adding "bdfimport" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport) EEGLAB: adding "biopac" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_biopac) EEGLAB: adding "bva-io-" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io) EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io) EEGLAB: adding "cogniscan" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_cogniscan) EEGLAB: adding "corrmap" v2.02.1 (see >> help eegplugin_corrmap) EEGLAB: adding "ctfimport" v1.04 (see >> help eegplugin_ctfimport) EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit) EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy) EEGLAB: adding "erpssimport" v1.01 (see >> help eegplugin_erpssimport) EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v1.6.2 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt) EEGLAB: adding "gtecimport" v3.15.01 (see >> help eegplugin_gtecimport) EEGLAB: adding "import_NihonKodenM00files" v1.11 (see help eegplugin_importNihonKodenM00) EEGLAB: adding "instepascimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_ascinstep) EEGLAB: adding "loadcurry" v2.0 (see >> help eegplugin_loadcurry) EEGLAB: adding "loadhdf5v" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_loadhdf5) EEGLAB: error while adding plugin "eegplugin_mffimport" Error using error Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs. EEGLAB: adding "mffmatlabio" v2.01 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio) EEGLAB: adding "musemonitor" v3.1 (see >> help eegplugin_musemonitor) EEGLAB: adding "neuroimaging4d" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_4dneuroimaging) EEGLAB: adding "neuroneimport" v1.0.3.4 (see >> help eegplugin_neurone) EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio) EEGLAB: adding "procominfinity" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_procom) EEGLAB: adding "snapmaster" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_snapmaster) EEGLAB: adding "xdf-EEGLAB" v1.14 (see >> help eegplugin_xdfimport) [�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported: /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/applications_centos7/eeglab_new/functions/resources]� [�> In path (line 109) In addpath (line 86) In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053) In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082) In eeglab (line 287) In eeglab (line 1084) In runAmica (line 3)]� pop_loadset(): loading file /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-985C5F6F32174E75A1931EDA1AD2E76B/12456/12456.set ... Running AMICA on single node ... INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code ffffffff (Ring Index out of range) in rdma_cm_get_hostnames:1267 Warning: RDMA CM Initialization failed. Continuing without RDMA CM support. Please set MV2_USE_RDMA_CM=0 to disable RDMA CM. 1 processor name = 1 host_num = 1457401042 This is MPI process 1 of 1 ; I am process 1 of 1 on node: 1 : node root process 1 of 1 Processing arguments ... forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write Image PC Routine Line Source amica15c 0000000000E88B8B Unknown Unknown Unknown amica15c 0000000000E86B97 Unknown Unknown Unknown amica15c 000000000044D799 Unknown Unknown Unknown amica15c 000000000040CD6C Unknown Unknown Unknown amica15c 000000000040A6B6 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002B5285D823D5 Unknown Unknown Unknown amica15c 000000000040A529 Unknown Unknown Unknown Oops! AMICA did not run succesfully... STDERR {�Unrecognized function or variable 'filename'. Error in runamica15_nsg (line 922) if exist(filename,'file') Error in runAmica (line 18) runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter); }� ` — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#24>, or unsubscribe .
I just tried the command and it loads the set just fine.
— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .
This time it was one file .set. I will use two files and let you know.
An update: this is the code I used:
%% test_script_amica_nsg.m
% add eeglab to path
eeglab; close;
% load dataset
filepath = [ pwd filesep ];
filename = '23456.set';
EEG = pop_loadset('filename',filename,'filepath',filepath);
% define parameters
numprocs = 4; % # of nodes (1-4: default 1)
max_threads = 24; % # of threads (1-24: default = 24)
num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture ICA
max_iter = 3000; % max number of learning steps
% run amica on NSG
outdir = [ pwd filesep 'amicaouttmp' filesep ];
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'numprocs', numprocs,'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter);
the output from the cluster machine: stdout.txt
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2019b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
November 27, 2019
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit
[Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In runAmicanodes (line 3)]
eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m
EEGLAB: adding "ANTeepimport" v1.13 (see >> help eegplugin_eepimport)
EEGLAB: adding "BCI2000import" v0.36 (see >> help eegplugin_BCI2000import)
EEGLAB: adding "BDFimport" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "MEF_import" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_mefimport)
EEGLAB: adding "NEUROPRAXimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_NEUROPRAXimport)
EEGLAB: adding "WearableSensing" v1.09 (see >> help eegplugin_pop_WearableSensing)
EEGLAB: adding "amica" v1.5.1 (see >> help eegplugin_amica)
EEGLAB: adding "bci2000legacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_bci2000legacy)
EEGLAB: adding "bdfimport" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "biopac" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_biopac)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io-" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "cogniscan" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_cogniscan)
EEGLAB: adding "corrmap" v2.02.1 (see >> help eegplugin_corrmap)
EEGLAB: adding "ctfimport" v1.04 (see >> help eegplugin_ctfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit)
EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy)
EEGLAB: adding "erpssimport" v1.01 (see >> help eegplugin_erpssimport)
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v1.6.2 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
EEGLAB: adding "gtecimport" v3.15.01 (see >> help eegplugin_gtecimport)
EEGLAB: adding "import_NihonKodenM00files" v1.11 (see >> help eegplugin_importNihonKodenM00)
EEGLAB: adding "instepascimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_ascinstep)
EEGLAB: adding "loadcurry" v2.0 (see >> help eegplugin_loadcurry)
EEGLAB: adding "loadhdf5v" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_loadhdf5)
EEGLAB: error while adding plugin "eegplugin_mffimport"
Error using error
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
EEGLAB: adding "mffmatlabio" v2.01 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio)
EEGLAB: adding "musemonitor" v3.1 (see >> help eegplugin_musemonitor)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroimaging4d" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_4dneuroimaging)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroneimport" v1.0.3.4 (see >> help eegplugin_neurone)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio)
EEGLAB: adding "procominfinity" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_procom)
EEGLAB: adding "snapmaster" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_snapmaster)
EEGLAB: adding "xdf-EEGLAB" v1.14 (see >> help eegplugin_xdfimport)
[Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In eeglab (line 1084)
In runAmicanodes (line 3)]
pop_loadset(): loading file /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/23456.set ...
Reading float file '/projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/23456.fdt'...
Running AMICA across multiple nodes ...
IBRUN WARNING: Your job geometry appears to suggest that you want 1 threads per MPI rank, but your OMP_NUM_THREADS is 24. This will cause thread binding to be disabled.
1 processor name =
1 host_num = 498679133
2 processor name =
2 host_num = 695192638
This is MPI process 1 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
1 : node root process 1 of 4
4 processor name =
4 host_num = 1313062967
This is MPI process 4 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
Processing arguments ...
This is MPI process 2 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
2 : node root process 2 of 4
4 : node root process 4 of 4
3 processor name =
3 host_num = 920035957
This is MPI process 3 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
3 : node root process 3 of 4
num_files = 1
num_dir_files = 1
initial matrix block_size = 128
do_opt_block = 0
blk_min = 256
blk_step = 256
blk_max = 1024
number of models = 1
max_thrds = 24
use_min_dll = 1
min dll = 1.000000000000000E-009
use_grad_norm = 1
min grad norm = 1.000000000000000E-007
number of density mixture components = 3
pdf type = 0
max_iter = 3000
num_samples = 1
data_dim = 127
field_dim = 4915200
do_history = 0
histstep = 10
share_comps = 0
share_start = 100
comp_thresh = 0.990000000000000
share_int = 100
initial lrate = 5.000000000000000E-002
minimum lrate = 1.000000000000000E-008
minimum data covariance eigenvalue = 1.000000000000000E-012
lrate factor = 0.500000000000000
initial rholrate = 5.000000000000000E-002
rho0 = 1.50000000000000
min rho = 1.00000000000000
max rho = 2.00000000000000
rho lrate factor = 0.500000000000000
kurt_start = 3
num kurt = 5
kurt interval = 1
do_newton = 1
newt_start = 50
newt_ramp = 10
initial newton lrate = 1.00000000000000
do_reject = 0
num reject = 3
reject sigma = 3.00000000000000
reject start = 2
reject interval = 3
write step = 20
write_nd = 0
write_LLt = 1
dec window = 1
max_decs = 3
fix_init = 0
update_A = 1
update_c = 1
update_gm = 1
update_alpha = 1
update_mu = 1
update_beta = 1
invsigmax = 100.000000000000
invsigmin = 0.000000000000000E+000
do_rho = 1
load_rej = 0
load_c = 0
load_gm = 0
load_alpha = 0
load_mu = 0
load_beta = 0
load_rho = 0
load_comp_list = 0
do_mean = 1
do_sphere = 1
pcakeep = 127
pcadb = 30.0000000000000
byte_size = 4
doscaling = 1
scalestep = 1
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/amicaouttmp/’: File exists
output directory =
2 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
3 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
1 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
4 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
4 : using 24 threads.
1 : using 24 threads.
2 : using 24 threads.
3 : using 24 threads.
1 : node_thrds = 24 24 24 24
bytes in real = 1
1 : REAL nbyte = 1
getting segment list ...
blocks in sample = 4915200
total blocks = 4915200
node blocks = 1228800 1228800 1228800 1228800
node 1 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 1 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 2 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 2 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 3 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 3 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 4 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 4 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
1 : data = 11.9744024276733 4.24514341354370
3 : data = -7.78323650360107 -0.299957871437073
2 : data = 1.66699647903442 -26.0488491058350
4 : data = -2.59526801109314 -6.62773466110229
getting the mean ...
mean = -1.36149215149254 -0.697963101435924
subtracting the mean ...
getting the covariance matrix ...
cnt = 4915200
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 0
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 127
getting the sphering matrix ...
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 127
sphering the data ...
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 0
numeigs = 127
It seems that the sphering is being done on all the nodes, but the minimum eigenvalue is not being broadcast or something. The code may have been changed so that the sphering is done redundantly instead of at root node and broadcast, but mineig is not broadcast first.
I’m not sure where the version of amica15.f90 is that was compiled for NSG.
Arno, or other collaborator, can you tell me the working code directory on Comet?
From: moo-n [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 10:02 AM To: japalmer29/amica [email protected] Cc: Jason Palmer [email protected]; Comment [email protected] Subject: Re: [japalmer29/amica] AMICA not working on NSG server (#24)
An update: this is the code I used:
%% test_script_amica_nsg.m
% add eeglab to path
eeglab; close;
% load dataset
filepath = [ pwd filesep ];
filename = '23456.set';
EEG = pop_loadset('filename',filename,'filepath',filepath);
% define parameters
numprocs = 4; % # of nodes (1-4: default 1)
max_threads = 24; % # of threads (1-24: default = 24)
num_models = 1; % # of models of mixture ICA
max_iter = 3000; % max number of learning steps
% run amica on NSG
outdir = [ pwd filesep 'amicaouttmp' filesep ];
runamica15_nsg(EEG, 'numprocs', numprocs,'num_models',num_models, 'outdir',outdir, 'max_iter',max_iter);
the output from the cluster machine: stdout.txt
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2019b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
November 27, 2019
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit .
[�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[�> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In runAmicanodes (line 3)]�
eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m
EEGLAB: adding "ANTeepimport" v1.13 (see >> help eegplugin_eepimport)
EEGLAB: adding "BCI2000import" v0.36 (see >> help eegplugin_BCI2000import)
EEGLAB: adding "BDFimport" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "Biosig" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "Fileio" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path
EEGLAB: adding "MEF_import" v1.10 (see >> help eegplugin_mefimport)
EEGLAB: adding "NEUROPRAXimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_NEUROPRAXimport)
EEGLAB: adding "WearableSensing" v1.09 (see >> help eegplugin_pop_WearableSensing)
EEGLAB: adding "amica" v1.5.1 (see >> help eegplugin_amica)
EEGLAB: adding "bci2000legacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_bci2000legacy)
EEGLAB: adding "bdfimport" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_bdfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "biopac" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_biopac)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io-" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.5.13 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io)
EEGLAB: adding "cogniscan" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_cogniscan)
EEGLAB: adding "corrmap" v2.02.1 (see >> help eegplugin_corrmap)
EEGLAB: adding "ctfimport" v1.04 (see >> help eegplugin_ctfimport)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v2.3 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit)
EEGLAB: adding "egilegacy" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_egilegacy)
EEGLAB: adding "erpssimport" v1.01 (see >> help eegplugin_erpssimport)
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v1.6.2 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
EEGLAB: adding "gtecimport" v3.15.01 (see >> help eegplugin_gtecimport)
EEGLAB: adding "import_NihonKodenM00files" v1.11 (see >> help eegplugin_importNihonKodenM00)
EEGLAB: adding "instepascimport" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_ascinstep)
EEGLAB: adding "loadcurry" v2.0 (see >> help eegplugin_loadcurry)
EEGLAB: adding "loadhdf5v" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_loadhdf5)
EEGLAB: error while adding plugin "eegplugin_mffimport"
Error using error
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
EEGLAB: adding "mffmatlabio" v2.01 (see >> help eegplugin_mffmatlabio)
EEGLAB: adding "musemonitor" v3.1 (see >> help eegplugin_musemonitor)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroimaging4d" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_4dneuroimaging)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroneimport" v1.0.3.4 (see >> help eegplugin_neurone)
EEGLAB: adding "neuroscanio" v1.1 (see >> help eegplugin_neuroscanio)
EEGLAB: adding "procominfinity" v1.00 (see >> help eegplugin_procom)
EEGLAB: adding "snapmaster" v1.0 (see >> help eegplugin_snapmaster)
EEGLAB: adding "xdf-EEGLAB" v1.14 (see >> help eegplugin_xdfimport)
[�Warning: Adding folders named 'resources' to the path is not supported:
[�> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In eeglab>addpathifnotinlist (line 2053)
In eeglab>myaddpath (line 2082)
In eeglab (line 287)
In eeglab (line 1084)
In runAmicanodes (line 3)]�
pop_loadset(): loading file /projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/23456.set ...
Reading float file '/projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/23456.fdt'...
Running AMICA across multiple nodes ...
IBRUN WARNING: Your job geometry appears to suggest that you want 1 threads per MPI rank, but your OMP_NUM_THREADS is 24. This will cause thread binding to be disabled.
1 processor name =
1 host_num = 498679133
2 processor name =
2 host_num = 695192638
This is MPI process 1 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
1 : node root process 1 of 4
4 processor name =
4 host_num = 1313062967
This is MPI process 4 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
Processing arguments ...
This is MPI process 2 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
2 : node root process 2 of 4
4 : node root process 4 of 4
3 processor name =
3 host_num = 920035957
This is MPI process 3 of 4 ; I am process 1 of
1 on node:
3 : node root process 3 of 4
num_files = 1
num_dir_files = 1
initial matrix block_size = 128
do_opt_block = 0
blk_min = 256
blk_step = 256
blk_max = 1024
number of models = 1
max_thrds = 24
use_min_dll = 1
min dll = 1.000000000000000E-009
use_grad_norm = 1
min grad norm = 1.000000000000000E-007
number of density mixture components = 3
pdf type = 0
max_iter = 3000
num_samples = 1
data_dim = 127
field_dim = 4915200
do_history = 0
histstep = 10
share_comps = 0
share_start = 100
comp_thresh = 0.990000000000000
share_int = 100
initial lrate = 5.000000000000000E-002
minimum lrate = 1.000000000000000E-008
minimum data covariance eigenvalue = 1.000000000000000E-012
lrate factor = 0.500000000000000
initial rholrate = 5.000000000000000E-002
rho0 = 1.50000000000000
min rho = 1.00000000000000
max rho = 2.00000000000000
rho lrate factor = 0.500000000000000
kurt_start = 3
num kurt = 5
kurt interval = 1
do_newton = 1
newt_start = 50
newt_ramp = 10
initial newton lrate = 1.00000000000000
do_reject = 0
num reject = 3
reject sigma = 3.00000000000000
reject start = 2
reject interval = 3
write step = 20
write_nd = 0
write_LLt = 1
dec window = 1
max_decs = 3
fix_init = 0
update_A = 1
update_c = 1
update_gm = 1
update_alpha = 1
update_mu = 1
update_beta = 1
invsigmax = 100.000000000000
invsigmin = 0.000000000000000E+000
do_rho = 1
load_rej = 0
load_c = 0
load_gm = 0
load_alpha = 0
load_mu = 0
load_beta = 0
load_rho = 0
load_comp_list = 0
do_mean = 1
do_sphere = 1
pcakeep = 127
pcadb = 30.0000000000000
byte_size = 4
doscaling = 1
scalestep = 1
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/projects/ps-nsg/home/nsguser/ngbw/workspace/NGBW-JOB-EEGLAB_TG-DCA1920B6CF94C7F9E354186B73EBEDF/23456/amicaouttmp/’: File exists
output directory =
2 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
3 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
1 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
4 : setting num_thrds to 24 ...
4 : using 24 threads.
1 : using 24 threads.
2 : using 24 threads.
3 : using 24 threads.
1 : node_thrds = 24 24 24 24
bytes in real = 1
1 : REAL nbyte = 1
getting segment list ...
blocks in sample = 4915200
total blocks = 4915200
node blocks = 1228800 1228800 1228800 1228800
node 1 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 1 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 2 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 2 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 3 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 3 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
node 4 start: file 1 sample 1 index
node 4 stop : file 1 sample 1 index
1 : data = 11.9744024276733 4.24514341354370
3 : data = -7.78323650360107 -0.299957871437073
2 : data = 1.66699647903442 -26.0488491058350
4 : data = -2.59526801109314 -6.62773466110229
getting the mean ...
mean = -1.36149215149254 -0.697963101435924
subtracting the mean ...
getting the covariance matrix ...
cnt = 4915200
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
doing eig nx = 127 lwork = 161290
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 0
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 127
getting the sphering matrix ...
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 127
sphering the data ...
minimum eigenvalues = 2.439452986291257E-002 2.24693689752528
maximum eigenvalues = 13003.3767440951 1393.52042042707
num eigs kept = 0
numeigs = 127
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