react-native-webview-autoheight copied to clipboard
extra space at bottom
Used in ListView, first couple was ok, when list get longer, some views get extra white space at bottom.
I am a Chinese code'r. I have encountered this situation, in ListVIew, when the data is not much, the high rendering normal, but the data is very large, ListView inside the Item will render is not normal, WebView height will be equal to the height of the screen。
source={{html: xxx}}
@dktan Did you solve it?
@wh-Coder 我换了react-native-autoheight-webview
@dktan could you send a PR?
it still happens!
I also don't know why this happens. But it is not a problem of WebView Package. It has to do with your CSS. Setting <body>
to height:0px helped me remove the unwanted space at the bottom.
height: 0px !important;
Just set the scalesPageToFit={false}, will work like a charm.