Meld cards show up incorrectly, presenting only one part 3 times with different rules text each time
All Meld cards appear to be recorded incorrectly in Hunterer in a consistent way. - All Meld cards show only the image of one of the three parts. - All...
This issue affects all of the following cards: - [All cards with Cleave]( - [All cards that reference loyalty costs in an effect]( This issue is a regression of the...
In general, I would expect Companion to do the following. Some of the following is subjective, but I think we can agree it's broadly what we might expect. - If...
When Companion displays a mana symbol in rules text that's two digits, it instead displays two symbols that are one digit, e.g. `{10}` becomes `{1}{0}`. It's unclear if this is...
Several subtypes in Companion appear to be in all lowercase instead of having the first letter capitalised. This appears to affect any/all subtypes introduced since Kaldheim. For example, looking at...
A problem's come to our attention with the following sets. They are being handled inconsistently for Pioneer and Explorer legality. - [Welcome Deck 2016 (W16)][w16] - [Welcome Deck 2017 (W17)][w17]...
[Priority Avenger]( is one of three birds from the Mystery Booster set. It was incorrectly given a type line of *Aven Wizard* instead of *Bird Wizard* on Gatherer. - The...
The card [Food Fight]( (from WOE) has no reference to the Food token mechanic, but was given Food rulings. This is probably a mistake from giving food rulings to all...
Every single legendary creature in Unfinity has been removed from Gatherer sometime since October 9th, 2022. A search for [all legends in Unfinity or Unfinity (Acorn)][leg] returns only Comet and...
In July 2022, Wizards of the Coast announced it was discontinuing Russian and Korean in [Changes to Magic Product Languages]( > starting with _Dominaria United_, we will no longer publish...