Sergio Cambra
Sergio Cambra
See #701
You may change line 10 in registrations controller, to clear invitation token. Some tests may need changes.
Please, post log of request
Token in database is a hash of token in email. You should use @token in your mailer views, it should be same as user.raw_invitation_token, but if you use some gem...
Can you check query on db when link fails and redirects to /users/sign_in?
When first request fails, if you go to postgres db, can you find the user there, with that token? Is it querying right db?
I think only multi tenant apps have this issue. If anyone can reproduce with non multi tenant, it would help to fix it, if there is a bug in devise...
Only code related to I18n in devise invitable is in tests: It shouldn't affect your tests, it should be loaded only when running devise invitable tests
Devise creates accept_invitation_url helper, with resource as first parameter, and use this resource to call accept_resource_invitation_url Usual setup doesn't include copying views to your application, if you need to change...
accept_user_invitation_url will work only if your model is user As you can see, accept_invitation_url has @resource as first parameter, and accept_user_invitation_url shouldn't have it, it should be accept_user_invitation_url(:invitation_token => @token)...