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Plugin for Serverless Framework to allow users to deploy their serverless applications on Scaleway Functions

Scaleway Plugin for Serverless Framework

This is the Scaleway Functions plugin for Serverless Framework.


  1. Install the Serverless Framework.
  2. Create a Scaleway account, and log in to the Scaleway Console.
  3. Generate an API key.
  4. Set up the Scaleway CLI.
  5. Generate and invoke your function:
# Available templates:
export TEMPLATE=python3

# Create the function
serverless create --path my-func --template-url${TEMPLATE}

# Install deps
cd my-func
npm i

# Deploy - note the URL that is returned in the deploy step
serverless deploy

# Invoke
serverless invoke --function first


Serverless Framework handles everything from creating namespaces to function/code deployment by calling APIs endpoint under the hood.

  • Serverless Framework: Deploy on Scaleway Functions
    • Requirements
    • Create a Project
    • Configure your functions
      • Security and secret management
    • Functions Handler
      • Using ES Modules
      • Node
      • Python
      • Golang
      • Events
      • Custom domains
      • Ways to deploy functions
      • Managing containers
    • Logs
    • Info
    • Documentation and useful Links
    • Contributing
    • License


  • Install node.js
  • Install Serverless CLI (npm install serverless -g)

Let's work into ~/my-srvless-projects

# mkdir ~/my-srvless-projects
# cd ~/my-srvless-projects

Create a Project

The easiest way to create a project is to use one of our templates. The list of templates is here

Let's use python3

serverless create --template-url --path myService

Once it's done, we can install mandatory node packages used by serverless

cd mypython3functions
npm i

Note: these packages are only used by serverless, they are not shipped with your functions.

Configure your functions

Your functions are defined in the serverless.yml file created:

service: scaleway-python3
configValidationMode: off

useDotenv: true

  name: scaleway
  runtime: python310
  # Global Environment variables - used in every functions
    test: test
  # Storing credentials in this file is strongly not recommanded for security concerns, please refer to about best practices
  scwToken: <scw-token>
  scwProject: <scw-project-id>
  # region in which the deployment will happen (default: fr-par)
  scwRegion: <scw-region>

  - serverless-scaleway-functions

    - '!node_modules/**'
    - '!.gitignore'
    - '!.git/**'

    # Local environment variables - used only in given function
      local: local

Note: and plugins MUST NOT be changed, they enable us to use the scaleway provider

This file contains the configuration of one namespace containing one or more functions (in this example, only one) of the same runtime (here python3)

The different parameters are:

  • service: your namespace name
  • useDotenv: Load environment variables from .env files (default: false), read Security and secret management
  • configValidationMode: Configuration validation: 'error' (fatal error), 'warn' (logged to the output) or 'off' (default: warn)
  • provider.runtime: the runtime of your functions (check the supported runtimes above)
  • provider.env: environment variables attached to your namespace are injected to all your namespace functions
  • provider.secret: secret environment variables attached to your namespace are injected to all your namespace functions, see this example project
  • scwToken: Scaleway token you got in prerequisites
  • scwProject: Scaleway org id you got in prerequisites
  • scwRegion: Scaleway region in which the deployment will take place (default: fr-par)
  • package.patterns: usually, you don't need to configure it. Enable to include/exclude directories to/from the deployment
  • functions: Configure of your fonctions. It's a yml dictionary, with the key being the function name
    • handler (Required): file or function which will be executed. See the next section for runtime specific handlers
    • env (Optional): environment variables specific for the current function
    • secret (Optional): secret environment variables specific for the current function, see this example project
    • minScale (Optional): how many function instances we keep running (default: 0)
    • maxScale (Optional): maximum number of instances this function can scale to (default: 20)
    • memoryLimit: ram allocated to the function instances. See the introduction for the list of supported values
    • timeout: is the maximum duration in seconds that the request will wait to be served before it times out (default: 300 seconds)
    • runtime: (Optional) runtime of the function, if you need to deploy multiple functions with different runtimes in your Serverless Project. If absent, provider.runtime will be used to deploy the function, see this example project.
    • events (Optional): List of events to trigger your functions (e.g, trigger a function based on a schedule with CRONJobs). See events section below
    • custom_domains (Optional): List of custom domains, refer to Custom Domain Documentation

Security and secret management

You configuration file may contains sensitive data, your project ID and your Token must not be shared and must not be commited in VCS.

To keep your informations safe and be able to share or commit your serverles.yml file you should remove your credentials from the file. Then you can :

  • use global environment variables
  • use .env file and keep it secret

To use .env file you can modify your serverless.yml file as following :

# This will alow the plugin to read your .env file
useDotenv: true

  name: scaleway
  runtime: node16

  scwToken: ${env:SCW_SECRET_KEY}
  scwProject: ${env:SCW_DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID}
  scwRegion: ${env:SCW_REGION}

And then create a .env file next to your serverless.yml file, containing following values :


You can use this pattern to hide your secrets (for example a connexion string to a database or a S3 bucket).

Functions Handler

Based on the chosen runtime, the handler variable on function might vary.

Using ES Modules

Node has two module systems: CommonJS modules and ECMAScript (ES) modules. By default, Node treats your code files as CommonJS modules, however ES modules have also been available since the release of node16 runtime on Scaleway Serverless Functions. ES modules give you a more modern way to re-use your code.

According to the official documentation, to use ES modules you can specify the module type in package.json, as in the following example:

  "type": "module",

This then enables you to write your code for ES modules:

export {handle};

function handle (event, context, cb) {
    return {
        body: process.version,
        statusCode: 200,

The use of ES modules is encouraged, since they are more efficient and make setup and debugging much easier.

Note that using "type": "module" or "type": "commonjs" in your package.json will enable/disable some features in Node runtime. For a comprehensive list of differences, please refer to the official documentation, the following is a summary only:

  • commonjs is used as default value
  • commonjs allows you to use require/module.exports (synchronous code loading, it basically copies all file contents)
  • module allows you to use import/export ES6 instructions (asynchronous loading, more optimized as it imports only the pieces of code you need)


Path to your handler file (from serverless.yml), omit ./, ../, and add the exported function to use as a handler :

- src
  - handlers
    - firstHandler.js  => module.exports.myFirstHandler = ...
    - secondHandler.js => module.exports.mySecondHandler = ...
- serverless.yml

In serverless.yml:

  # ...
  runtime: node16
    handler: src/handlers/firstHandler.myFirstHandler
    handler: src/handlers/secondHandler.mySecondHandler


Similar to node, path to handler file src/testing/

- src
  - handlers
    -  => def my_first_handler
    - => def my_second_handler
- serverless.yml

In serverless.yml:

  # ...
  runtime: python310 # or python37, python38, python39
    handler: src/handlers/firstHandler.my_first_handler
    handler: src/handlers/secondHandler.my_second_handler


Path to your handler's package, for example if I have the following structure:

- src
  - testing
    - handler.go -> package main in src/testing subdirectory
  - second
    - handler.go -> package main in src/second subdirectory
- serverless.yml
- handler.go -> package main at the root of project

Your serverless.yml functions should look something like this:

  # ...
  runtime: go118
    handler: "."
    handler: src/testing
    handler: src/second


With events, you may link your functions with specific triggers, which might include CRON Schedule (Time based), MQTT Queues (Publish on a topic will trigger the function), S3 Object update (Upload an object will trigger the function).

Note that we do not include HTTP triggers in our event types, as a HTTP endpoint is created for every function. Triggers are just a new way to trigger your Function, but you will always be able to execute your code via HTTP.

Here is a list of supported triggers on Scaleway Serverless, and the configuration parameters required to deploy them:

  • schedule: Trigger your function based on CRON schedules
    • rate: CRON Schedule (UNIX Format) on which your function will be executed
    • input: key-value mapping to define arguments that will be passed into your function's event object during execution.

To link a Trigger to your function, you may define a key events in your function:

  handler: myHandler.handle
    # "events" is a list of triggers, the first key being the type of trigger.
    - schedule:
        # CRON Job Schedule (UNIX Format)
        rate: '1 * * * *'
        # Input variable are passed in your function's event during execution
          key: value
          key2: value2

You may link Events to your Containers too (See section Managing containers below for more informations on how to deploy containers):

      directory: my-directory
      # Events key
        - schedule:
            rate: '1 * * * *'
              key: value
              key2: value2

You may refer to the follow examples:

  • NodeJS with schedule trigger
  • Container with Schedule Trigger

Custom domains

Custom domains allows users to use their own domains.

For domain configuration please Refer to Scaleway Documentation

Integration with serverless framework example :

    handler: handler.handle
    # Local environment variables - used only in given function
      local: local

Note As your domain must have a record to your function hostname, you should deploy your function once to read its hostname. Custom Domains configurations will be available after the first deploy.

Note: Serverless Framework will consider the configuration file as the source of truth.

If you create a domain with other tools (Scaleway's Console, CLI or API) you must refer created domain into your serverless configuration file. Otherwise it will be deleted as Serverless Framework will give the priority to its configuration.

Ways to deploy functions

There are multiple ways to create Scaleway Serverless functions/containers : CLI, API, Console, Serverless Framework, Terraform...

Using the serverless deploy command will apply the configuration located in your serverless.yml and remove functions that are not in the file to ensure a single source of truth.

This can be controlled using the singleSource option. By default its value is false.

If singleSource is set to true, functions and containers not defined in your serverless config file will be removed on the next serverless deploy command.

Managing containers

Requirements: You need to have Docker installed to be able to build and push your image to your Scaleway registry.

You must define your containers inside the custom.containers field in your serverless.yml manifest. Each container must specify the relative path of its application directory (containing the Dockerfile, and all files related to the application to deploy):

      directory: my-container-directory
      # port: 8080
      # Environment only available in this container
        MY_VARIABLE: "my-value"

Here is an example of the files you should have, the directory containing your Dockerfile and scripts is my-container-directory.

├── my-container-directory
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├──
│   └── (...)
├── node_modules
│   ├── serverless-scaleway-functions
│   └── (...)
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── serverless.yml

Scaleway's platform will automatically inject a PORT environment variable on which your server should be listening for incoming traffic. By default, this PORT is 8080. You may change the port in your serverless.yml.

You may use the container example to getting started.


The serverless logs command lets you watch the logs of a specific function or container.

Pass the function or container name you want to fetch the logs for with --function:

serverless logs --function <function_or_container_name>


serverless info command gives you informations your current deployement state in JSON format.

Documentation and useful Links


This plugin is developed and maintained by the Scaleway Serverless Team, but we welcome pull requests and issues, and are available to chat on our Community Slack Channels #serverless-containers and #serverless-functions.

General information on developing Serverless Framework plugins can be found here.

To run Serverless Framework with your local checkout of this plugin, you can modify the serverless.yml for one or more functions as follows:


# Change this
  - serverless-scaleway-functions

# To this
  - <path to checkout of this project>

Then you can run commands as normal.


This project is MIT licensed.