scaler-september-open-source-challenge-2022 copied to clipboard
Challenge 1 to 30- PrathamKiran
name: Pratham Kiran K
github_user_name: PrathamKiran
Challenege 2/ Day 2
url of the forked repo:
Challenge 3
Screenshot showing the list of all the current branches inside my forked clone repository:
Challenge 4
In my local system:
In my forked repo:
Challenge 9
Pull request after commit has been deleted and the branch is force pushed:
Challenge 11
New Branch PrathamKiran-details-2 on the branch PrathamKiran-details:
Challenge 12
Proof of completing the previous challenges properly:
Challenge 13
git status before stashing:
stash list:
stash list after deleting the stash:
Good to go verified ✅
Challenge 14
-> Created a challenge_14 branch with challenge_14.txt file in the contributor directory.
->Added the following contents:
-> Created a challenge_14_merger branch and edited the file as:
-> Edited the file in the main branch as follows:
-> Ran git merge command which gave the following message:
->Final merge commit after fixing the conflicts:
-> Final contents on the file:
Challenge 16
The markdown file after resolving the merge conflict:
Github showing the conflicts has been resolved:
Challenge 17: Using github desktop
Creating a new repository:
Making a commit:
Creating a branch:
Publishing the repository on github:
Making changes and pushing to origin:
Fetching from the origin:
Challenge 20
Creating a project for the repository created for learning github desktop
Project board with the TODO list:
Issues created:
Solving issue-1:
Finished solving issue-1:
Solving issue-2:
Finished solving issue-2:
Status after closing the issues:
Challenge 21
The aliases created:
Using the aliases:
Challenge 23
Summarizing what I have learnt about contributing to open sources effectively:
- We can find issues relevant to our interests by using label, which also help us to know if the issue is something we can work on.
- If we want to make some changes not specified in any issues, we have to create an issue stating what we want to change by giving a proper description.
- The issue must clearly state the purpose of its creation
- The important branches in any project is the
- Main - Stable version.
- Development - Where all the changes take place.
- QA - Where all the testing takes place.
- The branches we will be working on has to be named as per a standard. For example, the branch name can include words like
bug, fix, WIP, etc, the issue it will be solving, author name, etc. - The name of these branches should match with the naming convention of the rest of the team.
Pull requests
- The pull request created should be descriptive of the problem that is being solved.
- It should refer to the issue which the pull request closes.
- The pull request should be created from a feature branch of the forked repo and not the main.
- The changes should be reviewed and tested before creating pull request.
Challenge 24
Shortlisted few repositories I can contribute to but haven't picked or assigned one yet.
Challenge 25
Choose the repository I want to contribute to, waiting for confirmation by the maintainer and issue to be assigned to me
Challenge 26
Successfully registered for hacktoberfest
Challenge 27
Why Hacktoberfest?
- To encourage first time contributors to make meaningful contributions to the community.
- To spread awareness about open-source communities.
How to contribute
- Find repositories which we like and understand and find where you can contribute.
- Find a issue you can work on.
- Fork the repo, clone it to the local system and create a new branch.
- Make the changes you want to make in this branch and push it to the remote repository.
- Submit a pull request from this branch to the upstream branch.
- Wait for verification, resolve any issues pointed out by the code maintainers.
- If the contribution solves the issue, then the pull request is merged.
Tips for Hacktoberfest
- Solve issues for the repositories having the hacktoberfest tag for the pull request to be counted for the challenge.
- For first time contributors, find issues having the good first issue tag to find contributors suitable for newbies.
- Contribute to repositories which only add value to the community, and not the ones that encourage easy contributions meant purely for the sake of new users learning how the open-source workflow works.
- For the contributions to count for the hacktoberfest, all pull/merge requests must be submitted from October 1-30.
Challenge 22 - Github Pages
Screenshot of the repository:
Screenshot of the website hosted on github pages:
congrats you have completed milestone-3 successfully and you are good to go🎉
Challenge 28
Issue I wanted to work on has been assigned to me
Clones the repository and making the necessary changes
Challenge 29
The idea I liked:
Possible feature implementation:
- Ability to link multiple family tree, creating a huge tree with lots of people.
- Checking if two people are connected on this vast network.
Upvoting this idea
Challenge 30
- All the 1-day challenges have been completed successfully
- The open-source contribution for the issue I was assigned will need at least 3 more days of work before I can create a pull request for the changes made.
With this Challenge I thank everyone from Scaler who made this challenge event happen. Learnt a lot from these challenges and looking forward to more events from the team!