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_iggas - Evaluationbot - Discord Bot Automation - Phase 1
Before you start, please follow this format for your issue title: TEAM NAME - PROJECT NAME - THEME NAME
ℹ️ Project information
Your Theme : Discord Bot Automation
Project Name: Evaluationbot
Short Project Description: An easy solution to keep track of daily coding challenge
Team Name: _iggas
Team Members: Shubh Rai (shhhubh) and Vivek Dhoke(recky_vivek)
Demo Link: N/A
Presentation Link: Na
Repository Link:
🔥 Your Pitch
This is an open-source bot to make it easy for mods to keep track of the progress of 365 days of code.
🔦 Any other specific thing you want to highlight?
✅ Checklist
Before you post the issue:
- [x] You have followed the issue title format.
- [x] You have provided all the information correctly.
- [x] You have read and agree with the terms in the Code Of Conduct