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Create an example application with hot reloading and backend
You can combine the hot reloading as described in
Working example here:
Thanks, we should put a few examples on the documentation. I'd add a link to your example doesn't exist.
Please explain how to use Spray revolver with Scala.js - would be very helpful for node app development
in ./project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "1.5.1")
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalajs-bundler" % "0.20.0")
addSbtPlugin("io.spray" % "sbt-revolver" % "0.9.1")
in your build.sbt:
version in webpack := "4.44.2",
version in startWebpackDevServer := "3.11.2",
webpackDevServerPort := 8180,
// copies all resource files to a flat output directory
webpackResources := ** "*" filter { _.isFile },
// forms a webpack folder containing all webpack config files (e.g. I like to follow java convention, storing in resources folder)
webpackConfigFile in fastOptJS := Some( / "webpack" / "webpack-fastopt.config.js"),
webpackConfigFile in fullOptJS := Some( / "webpack" / "webpack-fullopt.config.js"),
// OPTIONAL: poll for filesystem changes every 5 seconds (good for a slow CPU and patient developer):
pollInterval := 5.seconds,
// OPTIONAL: do not allow the same file to trigger reload more than once per 60 seconds
watchAntiEntropy := 60.seconds,
// just google "trigger execution" for more fun options SBT has to offer...
in your fastopt (development only) webpack config, import webpack and add the plugin (or run with inline --hot, as documented elsewhere):
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()
Now start with reload capability, signified by tilde ~:
sbt projectName/clean; projectName/fastOptJS::startWebpackDevServer; ~projectName/fastOptJS::webpack
The file watchers should work as configured, or you can type "l" to trigger a reload manually