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Explicit result breaks when using `this.type`.

Open ckipp01 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I encountered this when writing a Mill plugin. When creating an ExternalModule you'll have code that looks like this:

import mill._
import mill.define.Command
import mill.define.ExternalModule
import mill.eval.Evaluator
import mill.main.EvaluatorScopt

object Example extends ExternalModule {

  def foo(ev: Evaluator): Command[Unit] = T.command {}

  implicit def millScoptEvaluatorReads[T]: EvaluatorScopt[T] =
    new mill.main.EvaluatorScopt[T]()

  lazy val millDiscover = mill.define.Discover[this.type]


If you run scalafix against this wanting ExplicitResultTypes you'll end up with broken code since the final lazy vall millDiscover will turn into:

  lazy val millDiscover: Discover[Example] = mill.define.Discover[this.type]

Which will error with:

not found: type Example

I'd expect running this rule not to break my code.

You can reproduce this with the Scala file up above placed in a foo/src/Example.scala and the following files:

import mill._
import scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerUtil
import $ivy.`com.goyeau::mill-scalafix::0.2.8`
import com.goyeau.mill.scalafix.ScalafixModule

object foo extends ScalaModule with ScalafixModule {

  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  def scalafixScalaBinaryVersion =

  override def compileIvyDeps = super.compileIvyDeps() ++ Agg(
// .scalafix.conf
rules = [

Then you can either run them ~via Mill or~ Metals.

ckipp01 avatar Jul 14 '22 11:07 ckipp01

Actually hold on. Running this will mill foo.fix doesn't actually apply the patch, but running it with Metals does. I wonder why there is a difference there. This might be something funky going on with Metals.

ckipp01 avatar Jul 14 '22 11:07 ckipp01

Thanks for reporting!

I guess there is something fishy in

I wonder why there is a difference there. This might be something funky going on with Metals.

Probably related to

bjaglin avatar Sep 20 '22 23:09 bjaglin

Actually hold on. Running this will mill foo.fix doesn't actually apply the patch, but running it with Metals does. I wonder why there is a difference there. This might be something funky going on with Metals.

This might be an issue with mill-scalafix:

lefou avatar Jan 05 '24 15:01 lefou