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Demo mixing definitions of macros for Scala 2 and 3 in one source file

Demo of mixing macros for Scala 2 and 3

In this repo we have a simple project structure simulating a test framework:

  • testframework: a library that provides a position macro that can be consumed from either Scala 2.13 or 3.0
    • compiled with Dotty 3.0.0-M1
    • depends on shared, scala2macros
  • shared: provides data structures used by macros
    • compiled with Dotty 3.0.0-M1
  • scala2macros: provides implementation of macros for Scala 2
    • compiled with Scala 2.13.4
    • depends on shared
  • app2: the demo Scala 2 application that uses the test framework
    • compiled with Scala 2.13.4
    • depends on testframework
  • app3: replicates the demo application for app2 but compiled with Scala 3
    • using the exact same library dependencies
    • compiled with Dotty 3.0.0-M1

The main macro we use is def pos: Position which summons a data structure containing the source file and line number of the callsite. This is called in Main.scala.

It is defined in the single source file testframework/package.scala of the testframework project and provides macros that can be read from either Scala 2.13 or Scala 3.0. The implementations of the macros are contained in separate libraries, transitively included by depending on testframework.


  • run the Scala 2 app demo with sbt app2/run
  • run the same application but compiled with Scala 3 sbt app3/run
    • you may notice a different output to app2 due to differences in type printing in macros