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Wrong function conversion documentation
I think the documentation regarding function conversion is wrong (at least the java code example) and doesn't compile.
To convert a java function to a scala function (like in baz) I have to write the following:
import static scala.compat.java8.JFunction.*;
// instead of return bar(functionConverters.asScalaFromFunction(f)) -> where should functionConverters come from?
return bar(func(f));
Worked for me this way:
import java.util.function.*;
import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters.package$;
import static scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters.package$.MODULE$;
class Example {
private static package$ functionConverters = MODULE$;
String foo(UnaryOperator<String> f) {
return f.apply("halibut");
String bar(scala.Function1<String, String> f) {
return foo(functionConverters.asJavaUnaryOperator(f));
String baz(Function<String, String> f) {
return bar(functionConverters.asScalaFromFunction(f));
Some more options:
import scala.compat.java8.JFunction1;
String baz(Function<String, String> f) {
return bar((JFunction1<String, String>) f);
import scala.compat.java8.functionConverterImpls.FromJavaFunction;
String baz(Function<String, String> f) {
return bar(new FromJavaFunction<>(f));