scala-continuations copied to clipboard
cannot cps-transform malformed expression
Experimenting on implementing via delimited continuations in Scala. Getting:
Error:(172, 17) cannot cps-transform malformed (possibly in shift/reset placement) expression
reset {
The code attempt:
"playground" should "eval amb via delimited continuations" in {
import scala.util.continuations._
case class Cont[T, U](fn: T => U, arg: T)
class Evaluator[T, U](init: Cont[T, U]) {
var queue = Queue.empty[Cont[Any, U]]
var results = Vector.empty[U]
lazy val eval: Vector[U] = {
def amb[V](vs: Vector[V]): V @cpsParam[U, Unit] = {
shift {
k: (V => U) =>
vs.foreach {
v =>
queue.enqueue(Cont[V, U](k, v))
private def loop(): Unit = {
if (queue.nonEmpty) {
val (cont, newQueue) = queue.dequeue
queue = newQueue
reset {
val result = cont.fn(cont.arg)
results = results :+ result
Not sure what to do next...
A bit late, but this a non-issue (or perhaps just a case of bad error message).
This should just be something like
def ambImpl[A, B](xs: List[A])(rest: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = xs match {
case Nil => None
case x :: xs1 => rest(x).orElse(ambImpl(xs1)(rest))
final class Amb[B] private[containingscope]() {
def apply[A](xs: List[A]): A @cps[Option[B]] = shift(ambImpl(xs))
def amb[B]: Amb[B] = new Amb()
The shift
-style continuations here are different from the call
-style continuations at the link. The Ruby version used an explicit vector of backtrack points, because calling the continuation means "abort", and the stack was used for normal flow-control. The Scala version is pretty much the opposite. The stack contains the backtracking information in a sequence of calls to amb
, and communication between amb
and the caller is done via the continuations. You were using reset
entirely wrong. The reset
goes around the shift
s (the shift
s can be bare, or inside other functions), and it limits how much of a continuation they can capture. You didn't put a shift
inside the reset
, breaking it.
The whole class Amb
dance is because type inference is absolutely atrocious with this plugin. You'll have to do things like Ret
to actually use amb
val nums = (1 to 5).toList
println(reset {
type Ret = (Int, Int)
Some((amb[Ret](nums), amb[Ret](nums)))
.filter { case (a, b) => val x = a + b; x * x == 8 * x }
// more like the Ruby version
println(reset {
type Ret = (Int, Int)
val l = amb[Ret](nums)
val r = amb[Ret](nums)
val x = l + r
Some(amb[Ret](if(x * x == 8 * x) List((l, r)) else Nil))
You might want to try passing a type parameter to the resets. Sometimes having an expected type eliminates the need to give explicit parameters elsewhere.