ALE copied to clipboard
Funny outcome
Dear ALE,
After installing the latest version of ALE via Bioconda, I have followed these steps. Step 1: Mapping PacBio reads with Minialing (raw reads input was fasta file) Step 2: Converting SAM to BAM with Samtools 1.9 Step 3: Executing ALE with this command "ALE aln_ArbQM_MiAln.sorted.bam ArbQM_WDGRC_RN.fasta ALE_ArbQM.ale"
After this, I was expecting to see ALE_ArbQM.ale but there were only two files (please see two txt files).
ALE_AbQM.txt ALE_ArbQM.ale.param.txt
Just wondering, did I miss something? If not, how can I interpret the outcome from the two txt files?
Many thanks in advance!