react-native-credit-card-input copied to clipboard
# Attempted to redefine property 'style' on android with LiteCreditCard and debug mode false
Hi folks ! I have a bug on android when I have the package installed on Android with debug mode off. Everything else works fine on iOS and android with the debug mode ON. My error is this One. Thanks 😉
Facing same issue, Anyone have any fix yet?
Looks like this is an issue with where they have a duplicate style prop.
This is a simple error coming from a dependency library (react-native-flip-card). To fix this, just go to
search for TouchableOpacity and remove the duplicate style={{flex:1}}
Good luck guys!
Getting the same problem.
Don't have react-native-flip-card in my dependencies.
Okay @PetteriHaro , does it work in the debug mode?
@Moshman20 Works perfectly in debug mode on android and in both modes on iOS
@PetteriHaro Can you share a screenshot of your node_modules folder. (the area around react-native-credit-card-input folder). Something like this
Don't know if it's a dep of a dep but I deleted node_modules and ran npm install again and react-native-flip-card appeared in my node_modules. Your earlier fix on the style={{flex:1}}
worked perfectly. @Moshman20 Thanks!
Nice! @PetteriHaro Good luck.
The PR has been merged ! I can't test if the dependencies have been upgrade, because i did my own card validator but it is just to keep the issue up to date. And thank you all for the quick reaction on this ! 😄