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Exclude a package from all projects
We want to exclude a particular package named "internal" from scaladoc and javadoc for all projects. We have UnidocSite plugin as follows:
object UnidocSite extends AutoPlugin {
import sbtunidoc.{BaseUnidocPlugin, JavaUnidocPlugin, ScalaUnidocPlugin}
import JavaUnidocPlugin.autoImport._
import ScalaUnidocPlugin.autoImport._
import BaseUnidocPlugin.autoImport.unidoc
override def requires: Plugins = ScalaUnidocPlugin && JavaUnidocPlugin
def excludeJavadoc: Set[String] = Set("internal", "scaladsl", "csw_protobuf")
def excludeScaladoc: String = Seq("internal", "csw_protobuf", "akka").mkString(":")
override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
siteSubdirName in ScalaUnidoc := "/api/scala",
addMappingsToSiteDir(mappings in (ScalaUnidoc, packageDoc), siteSubdirName in ScalaUnidoc),
siteSubdirName in JavaUnidoc := "/api/java",
filterNotSources(sources in (JavaUnidoc, unidoc), excludeJavadoc),
addMappingsToSiteDir(mappings in (JavaUnidoc, packageDoc), siteSubdirName in JavaUnidoc),
scalacOptions in (ScalaUnidoc, unidoc) ++= Seq("-skip-packages", excludeScaladoc),
autoAPIMappings := true
def filterNotSources(filesKey: TaskKey[Seq[File]], subPaths: Set[String]): Setting[Task[Seq[File]]] = {
filesKey := filesKey.value.filterNot(file => subPaths.exists(file.getAbsolutePath.contains))
But somehow "internal" package gets excluded only from javadoc and not from scaladoc.
Is there something we are missing ?
Hey @skvithalani , I hope all is well. I'm wondering, did this ever work for you? I have a similar issue, where I don't want certain packages in a sbt unidoc.
Hello @nachmikott, for packages to be excluded from scala, we make all the members in that package private/package private. If none of the members are visible to outer world then sbt-unidoc does not include that package in scaladoc.
So, if we don't have any visible members, we don't need scaladoc for it. That's the approach.
Hello all, I didnt want to start a new ticket for this, because I think it's related. My question:
Is it possible to exclude documentation of generated sources? I mean the ones generated with Compile / sourceGenerators
Even though this question applies generally (e.g. for the generated parsers, etc.) - in my specific case, I have zipped source code of some external library, because it's not published anywhere. I dont want to include/generate the documentation of this external source.
Example part of my build.sbt:
lazy val myproject = project
Compile / sourceGenerators += unzipMyLibraryTask,
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / scalacOptions ++= Seq("-skip-packages", "com.mylibrary") // this is what I tried, but doesnt work..
If there is no other option, I would include it, but the problem is the library source code is not perfectly written and so the unidoc shows errors and refuses to continue. I really don't want to spend any time of fixing the library.
Thanks for any advice!