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Support subprojects with macro definitions and usage
Unidoc is not able to process sources with macro annotations. E.g. when the class
class ExtendSecureOrInsecureLoggers extends StaticAnnotation {
inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
is processed by Unidoc then the following error is reported:
[error] /home/was1wa3/bikesensor/log-switch/src/main/scala/com/bosch/inst/base/log/ExtendSecureOrInsecureLoggers.scala:12: ';' expected but 'def' found.
[error] inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
I'm running into this while generating the documentation for akka-http, which now requires a macro to be expanded for the project to compile.
Is there a fundamental reason why macro expansion cannot be taken into account while compiling the project from/for unidoc?
The compiler requires macros to be precompiled, which is achieved typically by putting into separate subproject. Meanwhile Scsladoc I think requires full compilation of all sources.
Does scalacOptions in (ScalaUnidoc, unidoc) += "-Ymacro-expand:none"
not work?
To be a bit more specific, the macro is defined in the akka-parsing
subproject, and looks like this:
object since213macro {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = annottees match {
case Seq(method) ⇒
import c.universe._
if (scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString.startsWith("2.13"))
case _ ⇒
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please annotate single expressions")
class since213 extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro since213macro.impl
It is used in the akka-http-core
subproject, which depends on akka-parsing
and where it marks some code that is only valid on 2.13. When compiling the docs for akka-http-core
with 2.12, however, it seems the macro is not applied, and we cannot generate unidoc due to compile errors relating to the to-be-removed code. 'normal' compilation and even 'compile:doc' work fine.
So for this case it seems the fact that the macro is not expanded is the problem, rather than the solution. Does that make sense?
I understand currently unidoc cannot deal with expanding macro's, but in my case "just not expanding macro's" does not seem feasible either - so I'm curious what it would entail to add support for expanding macro's work to unidoc.
Adding "-Xplugin:/home/aengelen/.ivy2/cache/org.scalamacros/paradise_2.12.8/jars/paradise_2.12.8-2.1.1.jar"
to the unidoc scalacOptions
seems to work, so that is promising
to the unidocscalacOptions
seems to work, so that is promising
Can you give an example of this? I'm having trouble in a project that uses circe/macroparadise.
Ah, I should have been more specific: it works for me with macro usage, but not with macro definitions. I applied it to in akka-http (the sbt side unfortunately is rather hacky).
I had a similar issue: The unidoc
task was failing with macro code. For our project, in scala 2.13, the solution was fairly simple:
- filter the macro project from unidoc.
- enable macro annotations
ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / scalacOptions += "-Ymacro-annotations",
ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocProjectFilter := inAnyProject -- inProjects(projectMacros)
where projectMacros
is a project that defines a macro annotation used by the other modules.
This seems to trick (?) unidoc to depending on the macro project per-usual. Getting the usual two stage compile needed by macros. Leaves out the macro docs but eh.