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Redirect pages do not work.

Open virtadpt opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments

I have a redirect page to an index of sub-pages in my wiki, the contents as follows:

# REDIRECT [Redirecting to index of Exocortex pages...](?action=list&filter=Exocortex&redirect=yes)

However, when I load this page in my web browser it does not redirect. The page just loads and I have to manually click on the "Redirecting to index of Exocortex pages..." hyperlink on the page.

Did I use the redirect directive correctly?

virtadpt avatar Aug 11 '22 18:08 virtadpt

Ah, I've tracked down your issue. Try enabling the redirect_absolute_enable setting.

And no, you aren't using the redirect GET parameter correctly. The redirect GET param is allowed for the view action only - as I have just discovered the redirect GET param was not documented at all! I have corrected this - it will be a thing in the next release I really need to get around to releasing :P

sbrl avatar Aug 14 '22 20:08 sbrl

Closing, but I can always re-open if this doesn't fix your issue.

sbrl avatar Aug 14 '22 20:08 sbrl

redirect_absolute_enable is already turned on. However, Pepperminty keeps defaulting to &redirect=no even though I explicitly have it set to yes on the page.

virtadpt avatar Aug 14 '22 20:08 virtadpt

woah, I'll investigate further then.

sbrl avatar Aug 14 '22 21:08 sbrl


  • Have you cleared your browser's cache and restarted it?
  • If that doesn't help, can you give me the output of the debug action please?

sbrl avatar Aug 14 '22 21:08 sbrl

  • Not yet, working on something else that needs a bunch of tabs.
  • Where would I find the output of the debug action?

virtadpt avatar Aug 14 '22 21:08 virtadpt

  • Try that first when you have the chance.
  • yourwiki.tld/?action=debug

sbrl avatar Aug 14 '22 21:08 sbrl

Output of ?action=debug:

(I'm having a great deal of difficulty finding a usable pastebin at the moment, my apologies.)

External Memory debug report
Powered by Pepperminty Wiki version v0.24-beta2+caf6c1a.
This report may contain personal information.

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********* secret *********
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Server information:
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********* secret *********
********* secret *********
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/* TODO: Refactor to use the CSS grid */

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********* secret *********
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virtadpt avatar Aug 14 '22 23:08 virtadpt