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Raspberry PI 2 - MFRC522
Hello, is there something special to run it on pi2? the server is running but don't get any output.
special pinout? could you put a picture of your setup?
(for info) MFRC522-python is working
I still wait for the delivery of my RPi2. Then I'll be able to figure out if there's any difference to the first RPi. For my setup I've applied the pin settings shown in this documentation: http://geraintw.blogspot.de/2014/01/rfid-and-raspberry-pi.html
Probably it will be that:
"On RPI 2, the peripheral addresses are different and the bcm2835 library gets them from reading /proc/device-tree/soc/ranges. This is only availble with recent versions of the kernel on RPI 2."
Hi guys,
I have a same problem with RPi 2. Any sugestion?