phenny icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
phenny copied to clipboard

How to use it?

Open 3wh1te opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

I don't know what it exactly is and if i run it correctly .

Setting up phenny
Registered modules: seen, calc, reload, etymology, clock, translate, codepoints, weather, validate, ping, head, info, wiktionary, wikipedia, twitter, startup, remind, tell, search, oblique
low phenny[,:] +(?i)help(?:[?!]+)?$ <function help at 0xb683148c>
high ^\.(tock)(?: +(.*))?$ <function tock at 0xb6be34c4>
medium ^\.(search)(?: +(.*))?$ <function search at 0xb6ad5064>
medium ^\.(tw)(?: +(.*))?$ <function twitter at 0xb6ab18b4>
medium ^\.(twitter)(?: +(.*))?$ <function twitter at 0xb6ab18b4>
high ^\.(wik)(?: +(.*))?$ <function wik at 0xb6ab156c>
low ^\.(beats)(?: +(.*))?$ <function beats at 0xb6be3374>
medium ^\.(t)(?: +(.*))?$ <function f_time at 0xb6be333c>
medium ^\.(at)(?: +(.*))?$ <function at at 0xb6ab1f44>
medium ^\.(duck)(?: +(.*))?$ <function duck at 0xb6ad502c>
medium ^\.(ddg)(?: +(.*))?$ <function duck at 0xb6ad502c>
medium \.(seen)\b(?: +(?:(\S+)))? <function seen at 0xb6f43d4c>
low (.*) <function message at 0xb6acf534>
high ^\.(gc)(?: +(.*))?$ <function gc at 0xb6ad51b4>
low phenny[,:] +(reload) +(\S+)? <function f_reload at 0xb6baf3e4>
low ^\.(stats)(?: +(.*))?$ <function stats at 0xb6831614>
medium phenny[,:] +(tell) +(\S+) (.*) <function f_remind at 0xb6acf4c4>
medium phenny[,:] +(ask) +(\S+) (.*) <function f_remind at 0xb6acf4c4>
medium \.(val)\b(?: +(?:(?i)(\S+)))? <function val at 0xb681c534>
high ^\.(ngc)(?: +(.*))?$ <function ngc at 0xb6ad517c>
medium ^\.(suggest)(?: +(.*))?$ <function suggest at 0xb6ad509c>
medium ^\.(py)(?: +(.*))?$ <function py at 0xb6f4fb1c>
low phenny[,:] +(?:([a-z]{2}) +)?(?:([a-z]{2}|en-raw) +)?["“](.+?)["”]\? *$ <function tr at 0xb6be3d14>
medium ^\.(snippet)(?: +(.*))?$ <function snippet at 0xb6ad53ac>
medium ^\.(gcs)(?: +(.*))?$ <function gcs at 0xb6acff0c>
medium ^\.(comp)(?: +(.*))?$ <function gcs at 0xb6acff0c>
low .*(http[s]?://[^<> "\x01]+)[,.]? <function noteuri at 0xb6828a74>
low (.*) <function f_note at 0xb6f43dbc>
high phenny! <function interjection at 0xb682641c>
low ^\.(yi)(?: +(.*))?$ <function yi at 0xb6be3454>
high ^\.(npl)(?: +(.*))?$ <function npl at 0xb6be3534>
medium ^\.(head)(?: +(.*))?$ <function head at 0xb68280d4>
medium ^\.(wa)(?: +(.*))?$ <function wa at 0xb6f4fb54>
low (.*) <function startup at 0xb6ab19cc>
medium ^\.(title)(?: +(.*))?$ <function f_title at 0xb682879c>
medium ^\.(dict)(?: +(.*))?$ <function encarta at 0xb6831dbc>
medium ^\.(c)(?: +(.*))?$ <function c at 0xb6f4f8ec>
low ^\.(tr)(?: +(.*))?$ <function tr2 at 0xb6be3dbc>
high ^\.(g)(?: +(.*))?$ <function g at 0xb6acfe9c>
low ^\.(commands)(?: +(.*))?$ <function commands at 0xb68313e4>
medium ^\.(bing)(?: +(.*))?$ <function bing at 0xb6acff7c>
medium ^\.(bytes)(?: +(.*))?$ <function bytes at 0xb68130d4>
medium \.(weather)\b(?: +(?:(.*)))? <function f_weather at 0xb681c454>
medium ^\.(o)(?: +(.*))?$ <function o at 0xb6ad5374>
medium ^\.(ogc)(?: +(.*))?$ <function oldgc at 0xb6acfed4>
medium ^\.(oldgc)(?: +(.*))?$ <function oldgc at 0xb6acfed4>
medium ^\.(in)(?: +(.*))?$ <function remind at 0xb6ab1e64>
medium ^\.(u)(?: +(.*))?$ <function u at 0xb6813b1c>
medium ^\.(w)(?: +(.*))?$ <function w at 0xb6831c34>
low phenny[,:] +(?i)(?:help|doc) +([A-Za-z]+)(?:\?+)?$ <function doc at 0xb683102c>
medium ^\.(calc)(?: +(.*))?$ <function calc at 0xb6f48294>
high \.(ety)\b(?: +(?:(.+?)$))? <function f_etymology at 0xb6be309c>
medium ^\.(mangle)(?: +(.*))?$ <function mangle at 0xb6be3df4>
medium (?i)(hi|hello|hey) phenny[ \t]*$ <function hello at 0xb681ced4>
Connecting to connected!

what should i do next? send a command?

3wh1te avatar Apr 24 '20 04:04 3wh1te