ansible_aws_deployer copied to clipboard
What's the purpose of a play that includes the configs if we are still loading vars files directly on the other plays? I don't think there is a way to...
I got kinda deep into an install and then hit the following: ``` TASK [nfs : install nfs packages] ********************************************** fatal: [ip-192-199-0-201.ec2.internal]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The conditional check...
Would recommend using block style and follow Ansible's recommend formatting. If we can follow that, I'll whip up a quick formatting guide for people that want to contribute. We should be using Ansible's built-in dynamic inventory for handling inventory instead of running the AWS CLI directly. Specifically, for EC2:
As an example: This should be replaced with Ansible's own DNS module, or these items should be part of the cloudformations template (preferably) as it then makes them trivial...
If we create a "group_vars" directory at the top level, we shouldn't have to do the "include_vars" in each playbooks. This will centralize and automate the inclusion of variables. Put...
Add etherpad to enable users to sign up for user numbers. A little app would be cooler, but whatever.
Right now the common package installation installs ansible everywhere. It's really only needed on the provisioner.
I'm using ```--skip-tags=workshop``` to create a vanilla installation without the bu-workshop stuff. One thing I noticed is that it doesn't provision an admin user in htpasswd, instead you have to...