Serena Bonaretti
Serena Bonaretti
I changed the font size of all tables, and this works pretty well, both for the `.html` and `.pdf`. Thanks!
In case it's useful, I have also added to the table sections of `build/themes/default.html` some lines to warp URLs in one cell (to avoid that they "invade" the next cell):...
Looking forward!!!
That's a great piece of news! Thanks and looking forward!
Hi José, Sorry for my delay, and thanks so much for being this patient! Please, change the command to: ``` show_fitting_maps(view_modality = 0) ``` The parameter `view_modality` can get value...
Hi Thiago, Thanks a lot for your interest in pyKNEEr! It seems to be an issue with your dicom data type. One quick test would be to resave your dicom...
Hi, Yes, you are right, I have just double checked as well. As soon as I have time, I will add the possibility of starting the pipeline with images other...
Hi! I am finally back to full internet connection - thanks for your patience! To calculate relaxometry maps (T2 or T1rho) you should use only `*_orig.mha` images because they contain...
Hi, I am not familiar about your image acquisition protocols, so I unfortunately cannot give you much of a feedback. But here are some information related to what I used,...
Hi! I think you are referring to the ITK widgtes. Have you tried to: - install the JupyteLab extension: In your terminal type: ``` jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager jupyter-matplotlib jupyterlab-datawidgets...