rta_booking_information copied to clipboard
This script scrapes and stores the availability of timeslots for Car Driving Test at all RTA Serivce NSW centres in the state. Front end for latest results included.
This script scrapes and stores the availability of timeslots for Car Driving Test at all RTA Serivce NSW centres in the state.
- Account with RTA NSW where you can have passed knowledge test, hazard test etc.
- chrome driver executable in your PATH variable
- Python3 and Selenium installed
- jq for json processing (for querying multiple locations and creating reports)
- GNU parallel for querying availability for multiple locations
Setting up the repo
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/sbmkvp/rta_booking_information
Set your working directory to the repo
cd rta_booking_information
Copy and modify the sample settings file
cp settings_sample.json settings.json
Change the username, password to your own account. If you already have a booking
in the system then set the have_booking
variable to true. If you want to see the
chromedriver UI then set the headless
variable to false. The variables wait_timer
and wait_timer_car
can be increased to make the script suitable for slower internet
connections. When the git_upload
variable is set to true, the get_all_locations.sh
script will try to commit the results back to github to update the website.
Running the script for one location
the scrape_availability.py script takes two inputs - the id of the location and
the file in which the result should be stored. The location ids are given in
. The output is a json file with an array of available timeslots
and a variable showing the earliest timeslots.
Run the script (for bash based systems e.g. mac/linux/WSL)
./scrape_availability.py locationid file_to_save_results.json
Run the script (for windows)
python3 scrape_availability.py locationid file_to_save_results.json
Running the script for multiple locations
Availability for multiple locations could be scraped using the get_all_locations.sh
script. Make sure there is a centers.json file in the docs folder with a list of
centers you want to find availabilty for. This file is included in the repo but note
that this changes regularly in the rta website so make sure you pull the latest
file from the repo before running. Remove any files created during the last
run (errors.txt, errors_old.txt,results.json etc). The script when successful outputs
results.json file in the docs folder and updates the update-time.txt
file there.
Once completed, the results could be viewed at http://localhost:8888 after running a simple http server at the docs folder by running,
python3 -m http.server 8888
This script and the one below works only in systems with POSIX compliant shell. For windows, please use a POSIX compliant shell like git-bash or cygwin. We also need to install jq and parallel for windows. You can also use WSL and create a full linux environment inside windows.
Create a csv report
Alternatively you can convert the results stored in the docs folder into a csv by
using the create_status_report
./create_status_report docs/centers.json docs/results.json
Containerised implementation
The containerised implementation can be used to run this script on the cloud at regular intervals. If you want to host a github site with the results, please change the repo address in dockerfile to yours and then create the gitconfig and git-credential files from the samples provided. Then build the continer by doing,
docker build -t rta_booking_availability .
Once the image has been built you can run the container with regular update interval by,
docker run --restart unless-stopped --name rta_booking_availability -d rta_booking_availability
If your want to add a delay of n seconds between subsequent updates, add sleep(n)
to the end of get_all_locations.shscript.
This has been tested to work in my system but there are numerous edge cases where this might fail.
- Your account status is different to mine
- RTA changes website.
- RTA IT team blocks your IP
- The website is very slow
If the website is slow and the script fails at selecting the driving test on a new booking try increasing the wait_timer.
- For personal use only.
- Dont break the law or cause disruption using this.
- Using automated scripts irresponsibily can cause booking loss, disruption of services etc. be careful and know what you are doing.
- You are responsible for your actions.