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Selenium Foundation is an automation framework designed to extend and enhance the capabilities provided by Selenium (WebDriver).

Results 16 Selenium-Foundation issues
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As currently implemented, a local Grid collection gets launched as a group as configured and that's it. It would be nice if the local Grid API included a facility to...

Due to the auto-recovery behavior of RobustWebElement objects, it's possible to have the items in an existing component collection silently fall out of sync with the actual page content they...

To get the level of support I've been able to manage, I had to create a special **FirefoxShadowRoot** search context. This works up to a point, but falls over when...

The modeling of alerts in Selenium WebDriver is... odd. Alerts are not search contexts, so it makes no sense that code needs to "switch" to an alert to interact with...

Element references returned by JavaScript functions are native WebElement objects, which means that we have no automatic recovery if references go stale. We should provide methods to enable implementers to...

It pretty common for components to exist under certain conditions, but to be absent in others. To model this sort of "optional" component, we should allow for the specification of...

In production environments, it's common to have multiple presentations of any given feature operating within a single application. For example, different pages within a single application may use different incarnations...

This should mostly be just a copy/paste/format task, because the settings enumeration includes JavaDoc for each setting.

'appium' provides the ability to specify default capabilities that get merged into driver session requests. A good rationale for integrating this option as a `Selenium Foundation` local Grid feature is...

The lack of support for JUnit 5 is a serious deficiency at this point. Add this support, examining the possibility of migrating the existing support for TestNG and JUnit 4...