Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

Results 236 comments of Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

If anyone out there want's to implement it I will provide guidance & review/merge the PR.

This is non standard behavior. I'm not opposed to it though. I've marked the item Help Wanted. I will guide anyone interested in sending a PR. I'm no longer adding...

I'm not sure what is happening here. I just tried this out on TFSPreview and it did work for me. Since we started the other thread I have created a...

I forgot to update the NuGet package. I have just updated the NuGet package. Its now version Regarding the SlowCheetah extension itself for this you will have to use...

@vkam I looked at the Azure Build template and I'm not sure if the NuGet package approach will work here. From what I can tell that build template only lets...

It's working for the following scenarios: 1. Publishing to azure from VS 2. Creating an azure package and later publishing that 3. Publishing from the command line 4. Publishing from...

FYI I think I have found a work around until we can find another solution. Follow these steps for any project which already has the SlowCheetah nuget package installed. 1....

There is no solution at this point. I am going to be meeting with the MSBuild and NuGet team next week to see if anything can be done. For now...

Sorry didn't realize you meant the workaround didn't work. I am out of town for the weekend but will look at this on Monday.